DOJ Doesn’t Want SCOTUS To Hear The Texas Obamacare Case Before The Election | Talking Points Memo

The Justice Department and several red states urged the Supreme Court on Friday not to expedite its consideration of a major anti-Obamacare lawsuit coming out of Texas, as Democratic state attorneys general and the U.S. House requested last week.

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In other words, we, the GOP, fucked the ACA, but we can’t have our voters knowing that until we are firmly ensconced again.

Ball-less, soul-less, ethically challenged weasels.


Surprise, surprise.



Then let’s just move the election up to a week from next Tuesday.

Only candidate we need to see on the ballot is Donald J. tRump and maybe Mike Pence.

Nancy can run things until the general election this November.

That way you and Munoochie won’t have to spend all year hiding things that will make it bad for the current occupant.


And John Roberts is going to take the DOJ BS at face value, and postpone it as to take the issue of Medical Coverage out of the elections.


Once again Trump, DOJ, and red state priorities set out to kill people. The more, the merrier.


Just to be clear, this IS a deliberate slow walk by the courts. Just as all the other cases are.

The court CAN move quickly - it just wants to hide behind the facade of being a serious and slow deliberative body.

For context - here are some examples of how, when and why it HAS moved quickly in the past.


This case is a lose-lose for the Republicans, and they know it.

The district court’s judgment is unadulterated batshit. The Fifth Circuit affirmance just confirms the extent to which Trump has already corrupted the courts.

If SCOTUS reverses, as it really must, it will save Obamacare once again.

If it affirms, it will expose Trump once and for all as the person who killed Obamacare long after it has reached a critical mass of both popularity and economic viability.

I say, please proceed …


Whatever it takes to stick it to the 57%


Just like they don’t want us to know how much is being spent on his security because it’s so high.



I don’t think the issue will taken out of the elections. Sounds like to me that SCOTUS can take it up just as the election is happening, or schedule it farther back in the docket leaving the electorate uneasy about what this change will bring. And by that time the electorate will have seen that there is no TrumpDon’tCare on the horizon, that there is no plan for TrumpDon’tCare being debated in either Chamber, and that Trump will deny that he ever said anything about healthcare in 2015-16.


This should not even be a case, it is in direct defiance to the most recent SC decision on abortion…the fact that it’s happening is completely due to Moscow Mitch and Trump. And, that should have been obvious to everyone in 2016, the entire intent of the Republican party is to make this exact thing happen. Sigh.

There are already rumblings that the Republicans are planning assaults on abortion, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and the rest of the safety net infrastructure if Trump wins in 2020 and they take Congress. They really do intend to kill all of those programs if give a chance…this has to be a topic in the election, the fundamentals of retirement and health care will be completely trashed if they continue to hold power.


Just wait until he is grounded, obviously his parents didn’t ground him, but by gum he’ll will have to pay off this debt. That and we can scare him with the Iranians Are Coming, the Iranians Are Coming For You!


the DOJ on Friday said that there was “no present, real-world emergency” created by the appeals court decision, which effectively maintained the Obamacare status quo.

‘1600’ should, a) take Trump’s phone away from him and b) look into Trump impersonators.


“Repeal and Replace!”
Remember that? It was just about the purest bumper sticker bullshit of the decade. Now they are shitting their pants that the first part might actually happen and they would be held responsible before the election. The second part never existed for them, but now it does.
“Medicare for all!”


Good question.

What Happens If Obamacare Is Overturned In An Election Year? Senate Republicans Say To Trust Congress.


The red states, meanwhile, in their filing mocked the Democratic petitioners for having previously argued “that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate impacts no one in any way.”

That was a defense against your attempt to steal health care away from millions, you evil assholes. Now that you’ve got a judge to side with you, and it’s on the way to SCOTUS (which you’ve also stolen), it IS a major emergency, one that can maybe only be averted at the ballot box.

So there is no inconsistency here - just different strategies for helping people keep their health care.


taking political pressure off of President Trump and Republicans to come up with a replacement before the 2020 election.

Tierney Sneed, you’re such a kidder!


Trust Congress? Have they seen their approval ratings?



Give a heads up next time,was drinking cup of coffee which I am now wearing. Thanks :grinning: