They were hoping this stuff wouldn’t come out until after the election while knowing it probably wouldn’t matter to the base.
Reaching out to lawyers? This entire exercise is a joke. Any documents still in the possession of the ex-president/current criminal have been either sold to a foreign adversary, or hidden for sale and/or leverage later. DOJ looks ridiculous and impotent - they are not getting anything back through discussions with attorneys.
When you see the term “Republican operatives” in a story, you know that it is going to involve covering up something heinous.
I wonder if FoxNotNews is in some sort of negotiation with Dominion. They will still need to fork over the megabucks, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Dominion added Dobbs and Bartiromo as defendants.
This is not just a snarky retort … Jenna Ellis is a deeply disturbed individual … there’s a whole lot of bizarre stuff that went on in her life that seems to have skewed her reasoning (or ability to reason) in some wildly intolerant ways - stuff that is only ever vaguely mentioned. She probably needs help far more than she needs a microphone.
Nothing matters to the Right but winning. At any cost.
It’s an approach the Left would be well served to consider.
Or, they can keep bringing knives to a gunfight. Have fun with that.
Eeeewwww. Trying to drink my coffee here.
I was going X with it and decided to go R instead.
Dark Brandon’s weed reforms are a BFD!
Saudi response to Biden on oil situation is basically “Let’s Go Brandon”. I think it’s time for Dark Brandon.
I’m at the point where I ALMOST feel sorry for Herschel. But not quite. He’s being used by the most cynical people out there, and he’s okay with that. Herschel thought he could scare the people with dirt on him to not releasing it, but that’s not working. I am sure there are other women out there who had their abortions paid for, but didn’t have the foresight to “save the receipts.”
How’s her disbarment proceedings going in Colorado?
Kinda get the sense that Dominion is not interested in anything much short of career disqualification for the most egregious liars…
They attempted to “murder” Dominion … just to advance their agenda … they smeared people just for doing their jobs … it seems that Dominion wants genuine justice … and if heads need to roll - let’s get them rolling!
The DOJ KNOWS the most prolific liar the world has ever known has classified documents in his possession. Any other perp in the world would have been arrested and charged by now…King Donny making a mockery of the DOJ and the rule of law is merely a continuation of his decades long MO.
Everyone who thought TFG did NOT have more documents raise your hands.
No, really. Go ahead.
Great timing
Arizona judge rules 1864 law banning nearly all abortions can take effect - Our Sunday Visitor (
I don’t think their attempt to “take down” Dominion was JUST to advance their agenda, but also to PROVE that it could be done. What would stop them from destroying any other company whose politics they didn’t like?
Ultimately, there has to be rule of law, and I say “pound sand” to the 20% or so of Americans ready to dispense with peaceful resolution of differences. It’s true in some countries they bring a bonesaw to a spousal passport application at a foreign embassy, or they bring polonium to an afternoon tea, but I don’t want to live in an autocracy. Research suggests that many animals feel a range of emotions, including shame. Such a baseline for representatives would weed out some of the worst GOP representatives, Ron Johnson comes to mind at this juncture for some reason.
That’s why this Sasse news is so odd. He was just re-elected in 2020. It’s not like he’s a never-Trumper who is up for reelection in a month with no chance. Guy is set for a few more years and he’s jumping ship for…Florida? Let the speculation go wild!