Doctors Beg RonJohn To Stop ‘Horsing Around’ With Ivermectin Propaganda | Talking Points Memo

I have a friend who is an avid T****er. We seldom discuss politics and focus on dogs instead. Every so often he’ll post something, which I generally ignore. Today he posted about impeaching Biden and Harris. Leaving out that Harris would pick a VP (because logic) I said “Awesome, President Pelosi! Careful what you wish for.”


I keep forgetting it is also a drug for humans. Thanks

More famous thoughts on the rightist - snake oil nexus:

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O comon; be honest now…how many of you screwed up the plumbing before calling the plumber. Most people self-diagnose before accepting medical advice.
Personally I wish they had selected a certain kind of mushroom for a cure. That way half of them would have offed themselves from eating the wrong shroom.

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When you’re in the hole you’re supposed to stop digging.

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My problem with this is I can’t figure out an upside. You spew crap to your voters, the less intelligent voters, they follow the crap you say, take meds that aren’t shown to keep you safe, and then they die or end up having to call poison control.
How is this going to get you more voters if you’re killing the ones you have? And the ones that you don’t end up killing will have horrendous medical bills.
Dems will get yelled at that we should have stopped them from killing or harming themselves.


You kin git it at the feed store and nobody puts yer name into a database that they’ll use to come to your house and take yer gunz ‘n’ bible.


Extra bonus for them, then they can tell the voters how much worse it would be with socialized medicine, but thankfully they have coverage, because socialized medicine would have had death panels denying them the hospital visit in the first place!


He does remind me of a even less self-aware Sir Desmond Glazebrook.


Or dig it in there…harder


I’ve heard about a wacky scheme to appoint Trump to Speaker of the House (the Speaker doesn’t have to be elected to Congress!) if Republicans take it in the midterms. Then he’d lead the revenge impeachment with the goal of taking out Biden and Harris, making him, the Speaker, President again.


I’ve heard that if you hold a rabbit upside down its eyes will fall out. I heard it when I was four, and it made a big impression on me.


Which, even if all that came to pass, ignores the requirement for 67 Senators to go along with that inanity, and there’s no electoral math that would lead to that possible outcome in 2 years.


An article at The Independent reminds us that right-wingers have been this way for a long time: look at the statistics for gun deaths, for instance. Guns more often kill their owners or members of their families than they do home intruders. Yet statistics and truth mean nothing to this segment of the population. Anything but agreement with science in an attempt to ‘own the libs’.


Wow. You went there.

Good for you!

Heart you regardless. :wink:

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These things happen…especially when I’ve been drinking after work.


Just wondering how many of these RWNJ politicians were home schooled, learning thereby that they were special, not like those public school kids who they should be afraid of anyway, and if a little medicine is good, a lot is even better but only if you self prescribe because the doctors killed Aunt Sally who everyone knew was getting better til they made her go to the hospital where those atheist doctors experiment on people don’tcha know which is another reason why public education is bad and evil and should be gotten rid of… Deep breath… finding myself sounding like my LDS relatives, I must desist and take Max, my minidachshund who is one year old today, out for a walk while I unclutter my brain.


I always defer to the first commenter who actually knows the territory, in this case, Wisconsin – You go, girl! No diminishing @maximus, here. It’s just @Scoutmom gets the situation so much more. Because she is actually having to living in it! :pray:


In this context, I guess it might.

As a rule? I doubt it. Gabapentin is off-label for peripheral neuropathy, but it’s widely prescribed for it and it helps heaps, including during inpatient marathons for osteomyelitis.

There are a number of drugs prescribed off-label but generally accepted for specific uses.


Some drugs have an anecdotal following strong enough to outweigh the ‘final word’ from scientists, even if the benefit isn’t fully understood yet. Gabapentin sounds like one of those.

But the only ‘following’ ivermectin has is a run-off-at-the-mouth ‘fashion’ among stupid people. I hope medical professionals hold the line here.