Biden is giving an Afghanistan speech.
Not that you’d know it.
Biden is giving an Afghanistan speech.
Not that you’d know it.
I understand the sentiment, but I can’t wish them death on a ventilator. Already watched that once up close.
The best I can offer now: May The Odds Be Ever In Their Favor.
The whole “inhibits growth of BadThing in a laboratory dish” thing is not only stupid, it’s so shopworn, too. I mean, that’s the same line that the colloidal silver kooks use.
Oh God.
That’s next, isn’t it?
I can postulate a number of political goals (e.g., undermining the authority of the government and/or established professional organizations, coopting that authority for the reactionary’s party, sowing division in the United States, making American society more tolerant of preventable injury and death, distributing profits from the pandemic to favored companies, discrediting Joe Biden) which make the death toll a consequence of other ends, rather than the end in and of itself.
At this point, there’s no way to prove that any of these were motivating these politicians words and actions, although some of them may be what results.
What is clear is that these reactionary leaders are at least comfortable with killing a great many of their countrymen, in a miserable way, to achieve their goals. In and of itself, that is enough to disqualify them as candidates for office in my mind.
I wish their actions were chargeable.
There have been 29 completed and an additional 45 planned or ongoing clinical trials with ivermectin alone or in combination with one or more therapeutics for treatment of COVID-19. Some have shown promising results, others no effect at all ( - search for COVID-19 and ivermectin). Clearly there has been an interest in the scientific community and ivermectin is getting a “fair” analysis. When (or if) the data shows significant efficacy, the drug will be approved. Until then, all bets are off. The last thing we need is for people to refuse proven vaccines/therapeutics in favor of those still uncertain. That said, ivermectin is not as stupid as bleach or UV light. Just not yet and not in the form people are taking.
Speaking of Afghanistan - this is one of the reasons people are bemoaning the “thousands left behind” by the US. American University of Afghanistan felt that every current and former student, every teacher, every support person should have been given priority to evacuate. They have been given priority in obtaining certain visas, but because they attended a school partially funded by the US government, that they should have jumped ahead in the line. All ex-pats associated with the school were evacuated.
I would still rank interpreters and those who worked directly with the military ahead of the students. But that’s me.
Next? I think you’ve forgotten that time TFG told us to drink bleach. That shit kills stuff in Petri dishes too, so it must be OK to use for COVID.
I am fairly certain my Father-In-Law has doubled up his ongoing Colloidal Silver treatments and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s doing Ivermectin now too.
I am afraid to ask. He tried to talk my wife into some pretty radical treatments over the years.
For those who died on a ventilator before the vaccine was available, I have all the sympathy in the world.
For those who refused to get vaccinated and died on a ventilator, my sympathy rapidly erodes.
I’m at peace with that.
As long as his statements keep the money rolling in, he has no reason to stop with it. He just doesn’t.
We’re workin’ on it. Don’t rush us.
OT but still RonJon…saw a video of him talking about Wisconsin presidential voting…very coherently told a crazy lady how the election results showed no fraud, and Trump really did lose. It was pretty amazing.
Wait, there isn’t a body count ticker established to track deaths caused by right wing’s Tide Pods? Because really, at this point, I just want to see numbers. I don’t care anymore about begging piss-addled morons who keep believing a paste made to kill parasites has any effect on a virus to stop taking it.
Which could indicate his covid efforts, among others, are thoroughly cynical.
Which is nothing if not more despicable.
There was hydroxycholoroquinine, now there’s ivermectin. Before long, it’ll be Medicinal Compound, or maybe Ward’s Drop.
And now, over to Matt Wuerker at Politico …
I want to see a follow-up story to that judge’s ruling that a hospital must treat a patient with ivermectin. Because I would expect the hospital to refuse, saying they treat human beings and not horses, and so really have no idea how to use this drug, nor how to counter its side-effects.