The DNC produced a memo Wednesday touting the party’s election successes, a rebuttal to the congressional losses that have a few House Democrats taking potshots at each other.
I think a Joe Biden win and donnie trump dismissal, combined with retainage of the house, and an excellent shot at senate control (I’m calling it, for whatever it is worth), in the middle of a pandemic where Dems campaigned responsibly, is good stuff. Did I want more? Of Course!
Cultural boundaries seem to be hardening in these nominally united states and, while these ‘successful operations’ sound useful, the past election indicates even more adjustments in the normal way of doing political business is going to be needed. My concern with Perez, at least what little I have seen of or heard from him, is his approach appears rather conventional; underwhelming to be a bit less polite.
Democrats aren’t very good a taking a good honest look at their losses and understanding what went wrong. Too often they listen to Republicans (John “fucking” Kasich, seriously?) and right leaning Democrats (Claire “I lost in a winning Democratic year” McCaskill) for advice. But I don’t think, looking at all the blue on the electoral map, that its out of line to claim victory. We got Georgia for fucks sake. Thank you Stacy Abrams. I have hope that things might be a little different this time. We might actually be headed in the right direction.
I would agree. Perez didn’t make things worse, but it’s very clear from the underperformance with Latino subgroups and Black men that a more granular outreach to specific constituencies is needed.
So, it’s Veterans Day, slow news, so it’s time for a provocative article sure to raise internecine disputes. Me, I’m going to sashay into the erroneous zone.
Not familiar with this, but I don’t think that’s what the piece war referencing. I think it was referring to the losing Dems going after progresssives, in particular the woman from Virginia saying no one should ever say Defund the police or talk about socialism, not that any Democrat ever did talk about socialism.
For House seats the post-mortems should be seat by seat, or state-wide at the most. I’m not a fan of sweeping analyses (or sweeping “wave” predictions).
Stacey Abrams deserves a lot of credit.
Claire McCaskill can take a long walk off a short pier. John Kasich can tag along.