
Discussion for article #246877

So Rubio’s original reference to Trump’s penis size wasn’t vulgar. Ok, good to know.


Not to be all Christie about it but right there is one more glaring example of the reflexive “both sides do it” false equivalency thing from this Camerota person. Trump is indisputably the most vulgar-talking Presidential candidate ever. Has Rubio said “fuck,” or “shit,” or “pussy,” or directly discussed the size of his own goddamn johnson in a national forum? If the MSM can’t even acknowledge this glaring, obvious, and shocking difference between Trump and every single other person who ever ran for national office on a major party ticket, then they’ve stopped functioning and serve no useful purpose. For Christ’s sake, one of these things is not like the other and there’s a weird, irrational flavor to the inability to just say so.


Little Rubio(after Trump’s nomination): Trump’s vulgarity doesn’t matter; we need to save this country and he is our best hope. I will vote for him along with all my mafia friends.

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That was the most pathetic moment. Had any of them had stones… they would have gone all ‘Romney’ on their silly arses.

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The whole thing says more about the state of the country when these asshats actually have a chance of becoming the Republican nominee and thus President of the United States. Rubio, you or Donald or Cruz can never make “America Great Again” because half the population has been dumbed down to the point where they have no critical thinking skills and would actually consider Rubio or Cruz or the Donald for their President.
The mind boggles at the stupidity to the 10th degree


Vulgarity, schlongs, and decorum aside, all of these candidates on stage are equally potent in the area of flim-flammery. They are all charlatans as Krugman points out.


Oh they serve their purpose . The know the Donald = Ratings =$$$$$
It is all they care about , Selling boner pills and car insurance .

The problem is with us people of a certain age who remember when they did their job and you could tell when the news ended and Entertainment Tonight! started . Let me tell you about it in 140 characters


“[F]irst of all, I didn’t say what he was saying and I said it one time.”

never has the GOP Method been so succinctly demonstrated.


I’ll take a shot at that:

Imagine what Uncle Walt would say about Trump.

There. 46 characters that I think hint at the difference between Then and Now.


I imagine he would take off his glasses and cry for this country

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States? I don’t need no stinkin’ states!


Rubio whines about vulgarity? Well then kid, I said 6 months ago that the derp would grow exponentially and it certainly has. This is today’s GOP, Rubio,… you’s guys built it, you own it. It’s all yours.


What is HRC thinking?

"That’s it, keep it up…make it even easier for the Donald to run as a third party candidate."


“Beyond Florida, what state are you banking on?” Camerota pressed.

“I think you can ask that of anyone in this race,” he replied.

“now ask Trump that question…”

I would not try to diminish Mister Trump’s obscenity. But let us consider the behavior of Senator McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and FUX Entertainment for the past seven years as they consistently disrespected the mandate of the majority of American voters in their assaults on President Obama. Mister Trump provides a lot of cover for the rest of the R’s.


CNN has begun more wall to wall Trump coverage.
I’d like to suggest CNN change its name to:

TNN (Trump News Now)
I’ve been cataloging time spent per party and GOP coverage (all trump) far out weighs democrat coverage. I wish there were a way to point this out to networks (I doubt they read feedback).


Have we actually seen and heard all of the Republican candidates promise to support whomever is actually nominated, no matter what is said or how it is said, no matter what is proposed, no matter what violence is incited against the better angels of our nature, simply because of loyalty to the covering the nominee has chosen to wear? Even if only a shell with a demon inside? Is this the wishful thinking of loyalists or simply cowardice? Perhaps they are thinking there could not possibly be a demon hidden in their ideology or that they can tame that demon. Many in pre-Hitler Germany thought that. They loved the crowds and spectacle, but not the terrible song. We can change the tune they said. Some tried and failed. Some simply danced along. Most hid. How does it go? When they came for the others, I said nothing. I felt safe at first, but then they came for me.

We all have opinions. We even may voice some without the supporting facts or thought they need. There is far too much of that in our political culture today. We all have emotions and can get caught up in the whirl of fact-free moments; most of us catch ourselves before real damage done. However, you cannot remain silent when you see or can reasonably predict with facts at hand that real danger for your neighbors lies ahead. Loyalty to party must be set aside. You cannot acquiesce to the demon no matter its name or the camouflage it wears. This is what the current group of candidates and most Republican leaders are doing. They are in the mouth of the beast. It has broken their moral backbone. We must see what they cannot. They are still our neighbors. We must try to save them and ourselves. Before too late, with well cast votes, we must chase this terrible demon to its cave.

I think people forget about that one Lincoln/Douglas debate where candidate Douglas said, “Mr. Lincoln has got a little dick and I don’t think America can cope with it. And also, whereas Mr. Lincoln might disagree, I and the American people know that bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.”


CNN has propped up the crypt keeper (Jan Brewer former AZ Gov) for commentary…

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