Discussion for article #242204
Romney is a duplicitous and spineless coward who could have taken full ownership of it, but instead he chose to pander to the wing nuts and disavow what he had done. There isn’t a single position he didn’t flip flop on (and sometimes back again). He deserves all the scorn he can get.
Trolling Mitt is way too easy.
I agree. He’s a worthless pussy
If Mittens feels bad, he can always cuddle up to the millions he made from buying companies and then firing the people who worked there.
I really don’t feel sorry for Mitt Romney at all.
Who I feel sorry for is Krugman - he is almost always right about the economy and the world would be a much better place economically if those in charge listened to him rather than listening to the Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney austerity fools.
I never thought I would look back on Romney, and say “Now there was a good GOP candidate.”
I feel sorry for all the ignorant wingers who believed Romney when he lied about how bad Obamacare was.
Romney could have defended it without his weaseling. He didn’t. Fuck him.
Or at least the imaginary Republican candidate we think he could have been if he had remained his own man. Then again, I haven’t heard anything else about his time as MA governor outside of Mittenscare… he could have been another Christy, but nothing about his early career ever made the MSM, outside of $100 millions as a shyster invester.
Does this Mitten-typical backtracking mean he still has political ambition to run for office, somehow?
Mitt’s problem is not that he harbors illusions. It’s that he has no core principles, other than making and keeping as much money as possible.
No, he’s trying to make sure his proud legacy isn’t tainted by Obummercare.
Not Obamacare, not Romneycare but Heritage Foundation Oligarchy Care. Get it right.
81% think carson is sooo great…even tho he was a moocher and a taker when he was growin up and attending school…dam how are they gonna get behind him sfter that??? oh yeah republicons don’t really care about how hypocritical their candidate is as long as they feed them enough BS to clog their minds
Please make the Bushes and the Romneys go away permanently.
Thank goodness one of the dem candidates isn’t like that! And you know which one.
The Massachusetts governor? Yes. The guy who ran for president? No.
Yea but you have to pander to the loony right to get the republican nomination and then head back toward the center to get the general popular vote. I blame the republican party more than the individual candidates, but don’t really care as long as they lose the final election.