There are some crazy fucks living in NC. I know I live there too. And yes I’m a crazy fuck too, but I don’t own any guns or even that many knives.
It just hit me the white male right wing hypocrisy of this: We must support the United States Military when they are outside our borders, even if they maim, torture or massacre foreigners (and even American citizens).
But if they are on American soil recruiting or engaging in training, the United States Military is a threat to sovereign white folks.
I wish that could/would happen. So many of the Joneses, Limbaughs and Hannitys of the world hide behind the skirts of the First Amendment – but if we had any kind enforceable Fairness Doctrine, these asses wouldn’t claim such extremely nutty ideas or as many of them. Ronald Reagan bears some responsibility for today’s media scene. Dismantling the Fairness Doctrine and softening all the rules about ownership of all the different media and their shares in any given “market.” These led to the Foxes, Murdochs, etc., and the de-emphasizing of actual factually-based reporting in the vast majority of the news departments of the various media such as television and radio, even newspapers. We have precious little diversity now, the majority of the television and radio stations are owned by a few huge conglomorates, again same with print media.
Why aren’t they charged with domestic terrorism? Oh yeah, they’re white Krischuns!
Not your dad’s republican party.
Not even close.
Alex Jones and all the other demented radio ranters who hyped the fictional “government takeover of Texas” (as if most of us wouldn’t rather give it away) bear as much responsibility for endangering troops as these three pathetic dupes. The public cheerleaders for this takeover lunacy were doing the equivalent of yelling “fire” in a crowded theater and should be held to account – if not under law, then by their colleagues and the public.
My first reaction–in this case–is that these losers are too pathetic. But a lot of alleged Muslim domestic terrorists have been pathetic, too. So I guess it’s just another example of Muslims being the only group that it is socially acceptable to hate.
Anyone want to bet this is going to be used by the nuttier wing-nuts as “proof” that martial law has begun?
It’s all a product of the right-wing media’s lack in formulating a narrative with any actual logic to it. They operate by winning the news cycle of the day with as much fear and misinformation as possible, with little regard for what they were peddling the prior week and whether or not it should somehow all fit together. Their audience eats it up, and are largely too dumb to consider all of the contradictions they’re fed. The best example of this is when, to our Republican friends, Obama is simultaneously the most incompetent, dumbest and weakest leader we’ve ever had and also a mastermind genius capable of manipulating a shadow government that’s taking ARE GUNZ!!! Or the idea that an “armed revolution against a tyrannical government” in the U.S. would mean they’d be going up against the very troops they claim to worship.
The party of Donald Trump.
ISIS is everywhere.
I think President Obama has recently said that, since 9/11/2001 there have been 70 some odd deaths from “terrorism” in the USA, while we have had over 150,000 deaths from guns.
Wow. Just, wow.
Nothing says superior breeding like homemade tattoos, especially on your face.
He also purchased smokeless rifle powder, two-way radios and balaclavas.
They bought Greek pastries? We’re doomed!
Somebody has to fight for freedom!
OMFG! Well, just knowing that such “Super Patriots” are out there protecting my freedoms really makes me feel safer!
Gawwd’! That such beings exist is simply frightening. And when it doesn’t conflict with the day their various government assistance checks arrive, they vote … reliably vote Republican. As a matter of fact, these vile and dangerous Frightwingnuts’ make up a substantial part of the GOP’s odious base.
Maybe these red state yahoos were entrapped by the feds, not unlike entrapping not very bright Muslim Americans. Hmm.
TeaPublican Ammosexuals!
What the hell is in the water down there? These sad freaks were probably in an excited mental state all through the planning. I’m sure more of their rantings will be revealed. What a bunch of sickies! The worst part is, they’re probably going to miss the debate tomorrow night now!