Discussion for article #239051
I can’t possibly figure out where they got that idea of a military takeover…
The faces of “white supremacy”
Real Men of Genius…
They sound like really nice, gentle people. Some may call them domestic terrorists just because they planned to use improvised explosive devices to kill and maim dozens of random innocent people, but others will say they are simply exercising their 2nd Amendment freedoms and upholding the patriotic tradition of resisting tyranny. You decide.
Wayne LaPierre, your thoughts here, please?
Either the article is woefully short of facts or the feds and these dickheads are all talk. Presumably a search warrant issued. What weapons were found? What else?
The only evidence cited in the story comprises admissions [braggadocio?] by one of the accused. What were the feds asked about other evidence, and what did they say? Without that, who the hell can tell whether this was a credible, if insane, plot, or a bunch of hot air?
I know. They seem like such FOXy and ditto-head-y kinda guys. Personalities with whom Mr. Hannity would surely find approachable. Perhaps even Texas’s current “governor,” Greg Abbott. You know – such likeable, sensible folks.
Though not stated, but I’m betting the person who acted as a supplier recorded some of those conversations and kept detailed records that would link those three to the transactions in question. I understand I’m “assuming” here, so … ?
According to the documents linked in the above article, the informant ran a military surplus store
These are the people whose rights the Republican Party are fighting for. These are the people Republicans cheer. These are the people conservatives want to empower.
So let’s review the facts as we know them: Tipster tells FBI in JUNE that somebody is talking about attacking the military to defend themselves against a government takeover.
There are recordings of one of the individuals involved talking about a large personal stockpile of arms.
There is evidence of purchases of large volumes of military-grade weapons and material.
There is evidence of trying to illegally purchase a weapon for a felon.
And somehow, the FBI lets these guys go so far as actually SHOOT at military troops?
Imagine the stink if a soldier had been killed by these Neanderthals and it was learned that the FBI had been alerted to the perpetrators two months earlier. What did the FBI know and when did they know it?
Until they shoot those same Republicans’ family members. Then they wring their hands and wonder why. And all the ones who survive know that God spared them for some special reason.
These guys are unrelated to the shooting.
I could see some paranoid loony tunes moran being prepared “just in case” but these guys were obviously wanting to go a round with the powers that be. (Obama administration supposed thugs) Alex Jones and other fearmongers need to get a visit from the FBI and be told to stop their BS.
They look like three solid citizens to me.
My guess is that there are lots more of these under other rocks just biding their time till they slither out with their their guns and their hare-brained schemes.
I am getting more and more mystified, and angry, that this and other attacks by right-wing, racist whites is not being labeled domestic terrorism.
We had no issue calling Timothy McVeigh a terrorist, but 25 or so years later terrorists can only be Muslim?
And calling them “Wingnuts” instead of “terrorists” is making them into a joke, a trio of morons from a Carl Hiassen movie, instead of into a part of a threat to the United States and its people.
This, too, is terrorism.
Guns don’t kill people, the crazy fucks we sell lots of guns to, so they can protect themselves from the government attackers in their minds, kill people.