Discussion for article #238343
If this type is out of their trailer parks, who will monitor the meth labs? Hope the fire departments are on call.
Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, the US Army’s Fort Hood–one of the largest military facilities in the world–is just one short hour away and doing precisely NOTHING in response to the vigilant citizens.
This is how they thank the president for their trailer upgrade?
Are they guarding the tunnels under abandoned Walmarts?
the lunatics are in charge. sigh. what the hell is wrong with Texas?
the whole group already has 200 volunteers that include former military and law enforcement officers
What can Obama do? His evil plans will be thwarted. 200 brave volunteers will pose an insurmountable obstacle for the US army and its nefarious intentions. Only a Republican bible belt genius can come up with the idea that (a) the USA, USA, USA has the greatest, bestest army in the world, evah, and (b) that same army is hellbent on trampling on the constitution to do the bidding of a lawless President (and not ONE voice of dissent from the army! There must be hundreds of people in the know!), and that finally, © a small ragtag band of 200 will stop that force. Other heads would explode. In these guy’s “brains” it works beautifully together, and everything makes sense.
can’t these guys find something they’re good at and go do it?
like drink beer… fish… drink beer… shoot highway signs… drink beer… rustle someone’s cows… drink beer…
“citizen surveillance group”? We used to just call them “fucking idiots”. Damn this politically correct culture!
So those groups of a few men are going to do what? Follow the military’s every move and report on their location. And this is going to stop the Feds from taking over Texas just how? Do they realize that they look like little boys playing good guy - bad guy? Well at least we will have the historical evidence after the take-over.
These guys are absurd. If the government were going to take over Texas, their pathetic arsenals of assault rifles and automatic pistols wouldn’t mean squat. That said, I’m all for them concentrating on the latest paranoid fantasy rather than strolling the street and aisles of Walmart with their baby toys scaring the shit out of normal people.
What’s also funny is that if you think about it, if the military were actually planning to conduct what these nut bags are fantasizing about, the nut bags (oh, sorry, “citizen surveillance groups”) would be nothing more than target practice for new recruits.
At least the sheep are safe for a while.
“Once I saw the freaking nut-jobs coming out of the woodwork I was spending half my day discrediting what they were posting,” Lanteri told the newspaper. “No nut-jobs will be put in the field.”
Lack of irony thy name is “Counter Jade Helm”.
I had thought that maybe Utard, Floriduh, Alabuma, Georgonia, Lostinania, & MissinginMiss contained the highest % population of morons in the country but Texass morons take the well fought prize for absolutely the lowest IQ of the all. Winners, because the Texass Governor and other elected officials are in lock-step with the morons.
These people are effectively the “anger translators” for the republican party. Rage on.
Anyone want to start taking bets on how many of these yahoos will get detained for interfering with an official military exercise?
Honest to god, folks…who needs a TeeVee?
And these goofballs are the “sane” ones? Help!
“That ni(CLANG!) will have to step over us to declare martial law in Texas!”