Discussion for article #235886
“Is there ANYBODY who is going to stand up to this radical nonsense that is cancer on State and Party?”
I dunno how to make the letters in this post super-giant-huge, so this will have to do:
So Todd you are finally appalled!? My friend you should have seen this day coming years ago and should have been appalled at both your party and it’s voters long ago.
That’s not “pandering”, sir … that’s “constituent service” and “oversight” in the Lone Star State. At least it doesn’t involve handing out more entitlements (beyond salaries for guys too fat or dumb to make the state’s National Guard lol)
Seriously…it’s like swallowing helium balloons and then being surprised and infuriated that you crapped a floater…
It’s 1846 all over again…
I bet if he wasn’t a former lawmaker he wouldn’t be so appalled and even more so to make it be known publicly.
Quite right. But.
At this juncture? Here in TX?
I’ll accept any pushback toward lunacy from our ®WNJ pols-- particularly coming from a former lunatic.
My first/instant thought! Ya beat me to it! If he was still alive, I could believe this whole affair was being scripted by Ken Kesey.
What the hell is a relatively lucid person doing in the GOP?
“Is there ANYBODY who is going to stand up to this radical nonsense that is cancer on State and Party?”
Not if they are riding the wingnut welfare bandwagon, or currently elected to office in a GOP-safe district, and wish to be re-elected. You are Exhibit A, sir.
This has been another edition of Simple Answers To Simple Questions.
Bingo. Its Texas. There is literally no end to the idiocy of the GOP.
Even lunacy is bigger in TX. It’s hard for a GOP in TX to distinguish themselves these days.
Mr Smith,keep you antacids handy this was probably just a dry run for some of the things that we will be exposed to in this
upcoming Presidential season.I know this took place in Texas but a dry run can come from anywhere,IMHO.
Pandering to idiots is what Texas governors do, starting with George W. Bush in 1995. It’s hard to find a longer unbroken line of idiot-panders in these United States.
♪♫Derp in the heart of Texas♪♫
Well Damn, where was THIS guy a few years ago? Oh that’s right, he was probably still in office, so he couldn’t/wouldn’t open his mouth and tell the emperor he has no clothes.
Ah, yes, the Obama as all-powerful tyrant meme. That’s OK, next month we will be back to the Obama-as-incompetent script, with calls to see his college transcripts (which must be full of C’s, D’s, and F’s, right?).
but but but if we stand up to the idiots and don’t pander to them how will we ever be elected…oh yeah there are ways cheat and keep people from voting don’t count voter registrations who arent in your party etc etc…yeah that’s the ticket
Unfortunately, now Todd Smith (and his family) will find out what it is like to be in the cross-hairs (literally) of the Ammo-Sexuals and their Frothing-at-the-mouth (paid for by the NRA) enablers on AM Loonie-Tunes Radio.
My God, a GOPer with some sense??? What the hell got into his breakfast cereal?