Discussion for article #233540
Of course you did Rudy. Saying otherwise suggests you need to carry a smoke detector in your pants.
“I know I said your mother is a whore who would sell her own child for another rock of crack, but I’m OFFENDED that you think I questioned her motives.”
The only thing worse than Giuliani’s insults are his apologies.
Turned out to be not as funny as you thought it would be I see.You are still back peadiling and I bet you will be for awhile longer people are on to you.
"Giuliani’s comments are symptomatic of an element in our politics that
has distorted patriotism all the way down to our grass roots. Last year
in Colorado, for example, conservative members of the Jefferson County School Board
near Denver attempted to revise the district’s history books to
emphasize the “positive aspects” of America and to avoid material that
seemed to condone “civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the
law”. "
"One of the more depressing political attacks in recent history was
launched by the former Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, against
President Obama. With strong implications of racism, Giuliani claimed
that Obama did not love his country and might have “socialist” or
“anti-colonial” leanings because of his mixed parentage and overseas
birth. The main reason? Obama had suggested that we might be wrong in
our blanket condemnation of the whole Muslim world as “terrorists.”
Reminding us that Christians had also terrorized many Muslims during the
Crusades, Obama took the position that guilt, like revenge, was a dish
that was served best cold.
All of us who frequent the Internet now can clearly see Mayor Giuliani for what he is. He is a Troll, desperate for attention, who will do or say anything to keep the focus on him.
Time to stop rewarding this sad, troubled little man.
Giuliani’s dad paraphrasing JFK and FDR
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your loan shark in paying back your loan plus 200 percent interest.
You have nothing to fear but fear itself and my brass knuckles destroying your face.
“I hope also that our president will start acting and speaking in a way that draws sharp, clear distinctions between us and those who threaten our way of life”
I hope that our former mayors will start acting and speaking in a way that draws sharp, clear distinctions between us and those who threaten our President.
Rudy loves KGB agent Vladimir Putin more than the leader of his own country. I certainly haven’t seen other mayors like Bloomberg, DiBlasio or Dinkins expressing that.
Glen Beck: “He has a deep seated hatred of white people”
1 minute later
Glen Beck: “I’m not saying he doesn’t like white people”
Rudy “D’Souza” Giuliani - took him longer then Glen Beck to attempt a pathetic climbdown.
Giuliani then added, “I just wanna say, can’t we all get along?”
Typical. Cheat and retreat.
That makes the fourth Republican in as many days to use the term “motives”: Randy Paul, Jebby Bush, Mikey Pence, and the bigot himself, Rudy Seamstockings.
Typical for these filthy anti-American bigoted liars: blow the dog whistle, blow it again, blow it again, and call in Luntz to provide a focus-group-tested term to use to allegedly back down once the dogs have been summoned.
But the dogs know they haven’t been called off. They’re never called off. They have people like Eric Erickson who plays the part of the man who never got the memo to back down, and to keep the “Obama as other” meme alive.
Birther punks one and all. Of course, you ALL are questioning his motives, I don’t give a damn what Frank Luntz says.
Rudy, of course, comes from the party that keep warning us that if you publicly criticized W, you were “giving aid and comfort to the terrorists.”
“The former mayor also told CNN on Saturday that his office was receiving death threats”
Dere’s a hit been put out on his OFFICE? Dose desks didn’t do nuthin disserspeckful. Nor dose vanity pitchers nor all dem never-read books of court decisions and legal beagle texts.
Rudy’s coming 71 this May. He was always a nasty piece of goods. Now he’s an attention-starved nasty old male gigolo piece of bads. But I don’t think anyone looking out for the future success of the Democratic party in November 2016 could possibly wish that Rudy stop these attacks. Thanks for helping out Team Hillary, Rudy! Keep up the good/bad work.
Rudy certainly has exposed the Republican pretenders as not ready for prime time. Poor Scott Walker didn’t even get to talk about his plans to destroy a great American university out of his love for his country,
Exactly… add that message is the definition of “Pot calling Kettle…”
The GOP mantra:
“What I said plainly and clearly was insulting and hateful and the public reacted negatively, therefore I… I was misunderstood and meant something other than what I meant at the time. I retroactively revise what I thought and said to suit the reaction of the public.”
And the band played on.
Yea, I noticed that after Mr 911 spoke, it was one after another all speaking in the same general terms…guess it is the latest GOP plan to derail any progress we are making in America. All part of the very real GOP policy to reverse 100% of progress Americans have made over the past 100 years. Progress that in many cases required lives to be lost before any action was taken.
"I didn’t mean to question President Obama’s motives’’
Yes you did you punk ass bitch, what you didn’t expect was the well deserved death threats.