Discussion: Years Ago, the Border Patrol’s Discipline System Was Denounced as “Broken.” It’s Still Not Fixed

It seems as if there is a bad “boys with their toys” mentality taking over the border patrol, and it is no doubt being encouraged by this administration. (I believe that if Trump thought just shooting a couple of people would stop the immigration, he would do it, or have it done since he always wants someone else to do his dirty work.)


It’s more than discipline, it’s a corrupt agency to the core, more than 500 agents were arrested in 2016 & 2017 on drug trafficking charges, and those were the ones caught. No wonder the CBP Union are such a big Trump supporters, total crooks all of them.


Homeland Security, founded by the GOP, and an umbrella organization for all these poltroons, racists, gun-happy haters, and the seamy organs of a national cabal of ignorant and rich racists.


And its only gotten worse.


Sounds like Abolish CBP! might be necessary too.

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Meanwohile what passes as a ‘wunderkid’ in the TrumpWH :

Guess that now that the peace plan is all wrapped up with a bow and ready to go - he takes on a new gig. Maybe we should start calling him the Trump Palace’s Corrupt Prince.


Not just Border Patrol.
Law Enforcement in this country has, by culture become much more alienated from the prevailing attitudes of the population it serves and is paid by to protect. The national trend towards criminal forfeiture has resulted in large pools of money coming to and accumulating with law enforcement bodies which, not being sourced from the legislatures, are deemed by the police depts in their insular FOX/PBA cultures, their unaccountable kitty slush funds. The money is by national trend being spent on militarization of the local police on SWAT and other equipment, further enforcing the cultural divide with the population and reinforcing the God Complex of attitudes.

The national and CBP equivalents of the PBAs sneer and whine about any Due Process protections for detained immigrants, along with our President. But they all thrive and continue to protect the lawless element in their midst by level upon level of Due Process reviews and protections for their members accused and found guilty of wrong doing, and to do everything possible fo avoid public scrutiny and accountability.

Like Baseball in the 90s, when the MLBPA basically enabled and protected the Steroids and HGH users rewriting the sacred records of baseball to the benefit of a group of cheaters and their grandiose agent (Scott Boras), the PBAs of this country, well before the Serpico Case and the Knapp Commission Report, basically protect the criminal element of the police/law enforcement, and intimidate their members who just want to pursue their career calling honestly and honorably.


Zero sum, Zero son.

ETA Of course, the people about whom Zero Son is speaking pay taxes into the system while ZS doesn’t. And I have a great idea. Let’s put them on a path to citizenship so that they can be legitimate residents and citizens.

ETA to the ETA
And then they can complain about their taxes like real Americans


Given that the “Peace Plan” appears to be war with Iran, the economic plan will presumably be more trade war tariffs and aimed at improving Russia’s economic position.


His selective concern for American Taxpayers is so touching.
After the amount the American Taxpayers have to pay for Eric and Junior’s security detail when they travel abroad to do private business for their grifting father.

After the amount of taxpayer money President Trump has been pouring into the family resorts and golf clubs by traveling there with his security detail, entourage, and foreign dignitaries, for the pretext necessary for sticking the American Taxpayers.

I wonder what system Junior is complaining about. It is not clear from the Tuit. Which is Spanish for Tweet, but more appropriate for the Trump family. All of them.


These grinning fools. They love this. :angry:

Monetary support of the social safety net. Medicare, SS, etc.


which is why we need the wall! Walls don’t sell drugs!

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I live in south Southern California and the local news is full of one bad incident after another caused by the border patrol. Unfortunately the rest of the country doesn’t hear all these “one-off” local news stories of corruption and reckless pursuit. They chase people and run them off the road and many are killed. Just a bunch of bullies hunting the most powerless among us who want nothing more than to wash our floors and pick our strawberries.


The reason that CBP agents want the wall is to force smugglers to always use the entry points, they don’t like having to be driving around in the dessert collecting the “tariffs” on drugs and humans.


Indeed. I’ve often thought of southern Arizona as one big, expansive, desiccated “spotted dick.”

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Gotta pander to the mean people for their votes.


When you say “spotted dick” which one are you referring too? This one ?
