Discussion: WSJ: Mitt Romney Told Donors He's Considering Running For President. Again

According to GOP theology, it’s exactly what’s required of a president - cut expenses no matter how much it hurts long-term results, declare success, and leave the mess for the next chief executive to liquidate.


Your metaphor is extremely frightening to me.

Well, in about two years the remodeled house with the car elevators should be completed. Mitt’s going to need a job to pay for it. Wouldn’t want to tap into the Cayman Islands accounts.

Mittens, keep in mind we’re still gonna want to see those tax returns. Remember how well that went over the last time you decided to dodge the issue? Stay strong dude. Don’t let anyone push you around. Those GOP debates are sure going to be a barrel of laughs.

Since you haven’t quite made up your mind - such as there is - don’t forget, “study long, you study wrong.”


…doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result…

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Hubris: (noun) as in “Mitt Romney”.

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The “Kolob Kid” hints at a comeback…

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What a dolt!

Hey mittens, how many times do you have to lose before you just go away already?

But, seeing the queen’s celebratory bufont pulled out by the roots again, might just be worth having to see and/or hear you and your crap!

Please, Mitt, RUN! Can’t wait for you to be a three time loser.

“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life.”

~Ann Romney, 2012


I just saw on the news Ann is saying No Fucking Way In HELL, so he probably will run. What else would you do when you are that rich and full of shit?

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I remember years ago when Calvin Trillin, one of my fave writers, rather unfairly but amusingly called Al Gore a “manlike object.” Thing is, Al Gore is pretty much an international wit and raconteur plus a down-to-earth having-a-beer-with man of the people compared to Willard. Unless Romney’s had the Regular Guy Upgrade to his Interaction With Non-Rich People Module I just don’t see it going any better than last time. America just doesn’t want to date him, you know? Sure, he’s rich and he’s good-looking but he’s just too weird. We tried weird with Nixon and it didn’t work out.


Captain Groundhog Day rides again!!!

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Scott Brown?


He can finally take credit for healthcare reform. Again. You know, when he was for it before he was against it , or something.


Romney Son Says Mitt Didn’t Really Want To Be President

Boston - Wednesday November 9, 2016

Just hours after his father’s unremarkable crushing at the polls by Hillary Clinton, former Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney’s (R-MONEY) oldest son and perpetual douchebag, Tagg Romney claimed that his dad didn’t really want to win.

“He wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life,” Tagg Romney told the Boston Globe. “If he could have found someone else to take his place . . . he would have been ecstatic to step aside.”

The oldest Romney son said his father is a “private person” who wanted to help put the country back on its feet, but hated the limelight that came with presidential politics.

Tagg Romney told the newspaper that he and his mother Ann had to convince Mitt Romney to run for the presidency.

This is the third time Romney has run for president and the second consecutive time as the GOP nominee. It also is the second time he has had his ass whipped by someone who is not a white man or a Mormon. You think he would have learned by now.


"Mitt Romney 2016 - He won’t take no for an answer!"


neither did Harold Stassen.


And blame it on Obama of course.

And Karl Rove has already told him he has won Ohio.