Discussion: WSJ: Mitt Romney Told Donors He's Considering Running For President. Again

I figured he’d announce soon as he’s competing with Jeb Bush for the same donor base. I think he could be a better, more polished candidate this time around as he certainly as the experience, and frankly, I worry about Hillary on the campaign trail. I think she could really benefit from an Elizabeth Warren challenge in terms of honing her stump skills for the main election.


I don’t think this will have any affect on the nomination - Bush will still run away with it while the far right candidates split their votes. In theory, Bush, Romney, and Christie would split the more moderate votes too - but there was never any excitement for Romney the past couple times, and Christie is no longer relevant.

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He thinks the 47% who voted for him want him to run again.


They’re gettin’ the band together again!

Count Ricky Booby
Rick the Colossal [Dick]
The Romnificent Mittney
New Improved Stepinfetchit Now with Medical Doctory
Aqua Batshit
Thirsty the Ex-Cuban Water Sprite
Tailjudge Ted of the New Blood Meridian
Some White Women to Respond to the critical Where De White Wimmens demographic
and featuring
Another Bush Who If He Were Mine I’d Shave Him Off


I wish I could “like” this a thousand times.
Well done. +1


I never quite grasped the theory that what the nation needed was a corporate raider for president. I know he was also the Governor of Massachussetts but the skill of reducing the labor force to create profit is sort of the opposite skill to that required in a president.

At the same time I never understood what was wrong with being a community organizer/constitutional scholar/senator in preparation for the presidency.


Considering, my bright red butt. He’s been running ever since about 11 pm eastern, November 6, 2012…


I’d call 'em a Republican.


Is this the only way he can get friends?

Mitwit is the proverbial bad penny that keeps turning up.

Or… his OCD has just kicked in again…and he feels the need to keep repeating meaningless actions that have no measurable effect.


So, the economy. He’s running because of the economy. And, specifically, he’s running because he thinks the economy might be enough better that people won’t be as mad at him for a lifetime spent in the business equivalent of one of those parasitic wasps that inject their eggs into a live caterpillar that then hatch and to eat it alive, saving the nervous system for last.

Is it too soon to start asking about all those tax returns he was afraid to show us? Or ask him to explain how he ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars in a 401(k)? Or ask him whether the tax returns he wouldn’t show us have anything to do with that Swiss bank account and the likelihood that he personally engaged in the kind of flagrantly illegal and abusive tax shelters he approved Marriott’s participation in as one of its directors? Oh, and what about those final 2012 returns you promised to divulge–the ones that had to be filed in October of that year–that you never got around to sharing?

Also, how’re Anne’s dressage horsies doing, lately?


You know what they say about insanity. Don’t waste your time and money Mr. Plastic Man.

Personally, I think he’d probably be better off staying home and ironing his magic underwear but whatever…let him run. It’ll be great for good ole American comedy.
The clowncar still has a couple of empty seats to fill…

The guy who said he wouldn’t have bailed out the auto industry.

He can cross Michigan off the list (unless the republican-controlled legislature succeeds in changing electoral vote allocation).

LANSING — The opposition to changing how Michigan’s 16 electoral votes are allocated was unanimous during a committee hearing on a bill that would change the state’s winner-take-all system for presidential candidates.

But House Elections and Ethics Committee chairwoman, state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons, R-Alto, decided not to take a vote on the controversial issue Tuesday.

“This whole process is to bring this issue up for a good discussion. I haven’t decided yet whether we’ll vote or not,” she said. “Our electoral college system in Michigan is broken, and we have to focus on making Michigan matter more in terms of having our presidential candidates give Michigan voters attention on Michigan issues.”

She means republican voters, of course.

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You’re not alone obviously, as our current President was elected by both the electoral and popular vote twice….


please proceed, governor


And he was the first since Eisenhower to break 51 percent of the popular vote twice–even Ronaldus Reaganus Magnus fell short of 51 vs, Carter in 1980.


I don’t trust those fuckers. They’ll bring it back up when no one’s paying attention. Snyder is well on his way to signing some pretty offensive legislation already. The one about signing legislation to enable convicted domestic abusers to be allowed to carry concealed weapons is the latest one I read about.

Well, that’ll certainly complicate Jeb’s coronation as the standard bearer of the Rethuglican party.

Rmoney/Bachmann 2016 (A boy can dream)

Holy crap. Sometimes, he manages to not be so awful. But, wow.

Thanks for staying home on election day, fellow Michiganders. I fear it’s only going to get worse.

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