Conservatives no longer get to talk about investigations being too long (Benghazi) they no longer get to talk about personal responsibility (their president dotard) they no longer get to talk about family values (again their president dotard) they no longer get to lecture any of us about anything.
What they get to do is shut the fuck up and fix my roads and pick my vegetables.
I think they’re in a panic because what we already know is pretty damning, and yet, none of us have any idea what Mueller knows. The man doesn’t leak or say anything. He’s like Kushner that way, except with brains and integrity.
Also, they’re probably in a freak out over possibly losing the House or Senate in November. While Trump can end Mueller’s investigation, he can’t control a Congress that’s actually willing to do its job.
no mystery here. republicans know mueller has the goods on lots of them including trump. they also know they are gonna lose control in november. if the report comes out before november they will bury it and the news cycle will move on. if the report comes out after november indictments and impeachment are inevitable.
I agree about it being time to “wrap it up” regarding the members of the tRUmp campaign and admin. As a traditionalist, I insist on wrapping it 13 times…
No more careful procedural correctness. Time to drop the hammer. What’s that, you want Mueller to wrap it before he drops it? No problem! It won’t deaden the blow much at all.
Especially since in reviewing indictments and other items being discussed in court cases they’ve been way ahead of uncovering what the Republicans thought that they had buried.
Never in our history have we seen an administration as corrupt as this one led by our so-called president Trump, with a GOP dominated Congress that is absolutely complicit with the unethical and criminal machinations of Trump and the gang. Paul Krugman had a very nice sum-up in today’s New York Times:
> " . . .today’s Republicans have made it clear that they won’t hold Trump accountable for anything, even if it borders on treason. All of which is to say that Trump’s corruption is only a symptom of a bigger problem: a G.O.P. that will do anything, even betray the nation, in its pursuit of partisan advantage."
Well, the comments finally opened for me. If the Mueller investigation is stopped, I believe there will be rebellion in the bowels of the Justice Dept., and the information already gathered will be leaked. One way or another, there will be a report.
Yep. Finally someone who people listen to…or who at least has a platform to reach people…is saying it. I can only hope more people in prominent positions start saying it and it becomes a drumbeat. I’ve been babbling it since November 4, 2008, but I might as well have been yelling at clouds…which I suppose is all we’re really doing in here all day anyway.