I will give the shit heel goopers credit for something - they stay on message really well.
Bass-turds - the lot of 'em.
Be careful what you wish for. I suspect the GOP will be very unhappy when Mueller wraps it up.
Coming the day after Manaforts ex-SIL gets a plea bargin…
Do this guys think no one is watching?
The Whitewater probe, to investigate whether Clinton cheated on a real estate deal, went on for 7 years. But one year is long enough to investigate how Russia screwed with our election.
These people are despicable. If they didn’t think Mueller had anything, they would not be trying to shut him down. Sad.
I say “four more years” for the Mueller investigation - then renew it - there is too much republican-trumper criminal behavior out there. Would love to see if and how McConnell and Ryan benefited from “russian dark money”. Surely McConnell got “something” for obstructing Obama and keeping the Supreme Court seat open. Ryan - who was so budget conscious before - surely got something (maybe his next job?) for pushing the tax-cut-for-the-rich so-called tax reform bill through.
But on Thursday, Ryan shifted course, telling reporters, “it’s time to wrap it up.”
Careful what you wish for, jackass.
Funny how the Dems let the show go on without interference with Hillary’s investigations, but the GOP is unhappy when something similar happens to them.
Who’s the whiny, little bitch now? Snowflakes.
Mueller should move quickly to indict more Trump criminals, and issue a report arguing Trump himself committed many impeachable offenses.
He can then say the GOP wanted this quickly.
I think Mueller has been wrapping up a lot of the results of his investigation. They sit, ready and waiting for the right day, like Christmas presents in the back of the closet.
He knows that Trumpp could snap at any time and start doing whatever it takes to have Mueller removed along with every conscientious DOJ leader who can be fired on demand.
Yep. Put a bow on each of those indictments when you unseal them.
"…McConnell and Ryan benefited from “russian dark money…”
Of course they’ll have “plausible deniability”. I dunno nuttin’ 'bout nuttin.
For a bunch of folks you’d expect to try to act innocent if they were innocent, a lot of 'em sure act the way I’d expect guilty people to act.
Funny this is happening on the same day they transitioned to the “I was framed” defense.
I’ve reached my limit for the day. More innocents slaughtered and even more brazen corruption destroying our country. I give up on trying to cope. Fuck all of it.
More like it’s time to Lock Trump Up. Well, actually, his entire family and most of his business partners too. And campaign staff. And cabinet secretaries.
I was going to add the entire Republican party, but realized that might be considered “overreach”.
The Repubs are political cross dressers.
Honest to god, I was struggling with a bout of numbness, and the numbness that seemed to have everyone going on as if nothing very much more unusual than all the other shit happening had happened, until this hit my Twitter feed. The video It broke me out of it.