He seems nice.
I think Corey just composed the soundtrack for Trump’s perp walk.
Trump, Miller, Lewandowski, and every other person eager to promote or support this and other cruel policies are the real infestation in our country.
There is a special place in hell for Corey and his fellow travelers. Hopefully he will be introduced to it soon
Because animals, right?
Just another psychopath
He and Miller cut from the same cloth.
I saw a tweet earlier that said that this asshole works for a PAC that gets donations from some prison contracting companies.
Also, from comments at Balloon Juice:
Just heard on NPR that the for-profit companies “taking care” of the children have set themselves up as REITs and so are free from having to pay federal taxes. What a scam this all is.
These people are inhuman, greedy monsters.
Soulless ghouls.
He’s another one who, I hope very soon, will not be able to travel outside the U.S. Hopefully, international arrest warrants will be taken out against all members of this administration involved in this crisis for crimes against humanity.
Can’t wait for this RAT to drown when the (dictator)ship sinks.
I hope he dies.
Dying’s too good for him. He has to suffer quite a bit first.
These people cultivate this crass cruelty in the mistaken belief it’s how tough guys talk. It would have gotten a big laugh at a Trump Org staff meeting. And they’re so unsophisticated and blinkered they don’t realize four-fifths of the country feels revulsion and contempt at anyone who could even think that, much less say it.
Oh, and just for morning grins it wasn’t just a Down syndrome kid who was separated. There was also, I just read, a 6-year-old who was blind. Who was blind. Taking a blind child from her parents. I ask you.
I hope he gets shingles first.
Corey looks like he was made for a black uniform with a red armband.
But he’d look even better in an orange jumpsuit.
This one is beyond words. fuck it, i am gonna go drink coffee and try to cool off.
Maddow nailed it last night: They want this. They want it to be as cruel as possible, because they think that ultimately, when we are alone in the voting booth, we want a strongman who will stick it to the brown people. They are sending a message.
They are sick.
Wasn’t making fun of Sarah Palin’s kid off limits? Oh, only white kids with down syndrome, my mistake.