Discussion: Women In Viral Photo Of Biden: 'Paternalistic Behavior' Another Form Of 'Sexism'

Curious that you (and Bernie) are so afraid of Biden even running … let the voters decide, if Biden’s behavior is so offensive, he will be rejected … what you are really afraid of is that most folks, who have common sense, will see through this shameful smear campaign.


Try this test: At work go up behind your female supervisor or boss, start to massage her shoulders, lean in, sniff her hair and then slowly kiss the top of her head. See how that plays out. See how much you are appreciated. See if you have a job an hour later. Joe got away with this for decades because he’s got the power. Period.


I agree that Biden should run if he wants to.

Then again, I feel the same way about virtually anyone else who wants to run for office.

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Not a Sanders supporter in the primaries, but I will vote for him if he is the Democratic nominee. Will you?



FK you Sofie. Just fk you. Sorry you ‘felt’ that was paternalistic but USING that moment for ‘the greatest good’, NOT using YOUR power to come forward at the time and NOW writing an oped about how ‘taken aback’ you were just doesn’t cut it.


I am SO SICK of this endless “ALL WOMEN ARE VICTIMS” of any man who shows any kind of affection to them crap.
“I loved that photo for years, until I figured I could get some PRESS by announcing that NOW I hate it, for REASONS (and BTW, I am available for interviews, contact my publicist.)”
Someone held my hand 10 years ago and NOW I’m “traunatized” (as long as I get on the “Today Show” to talk about it?!?!?)

This is all SO TRANSPARENT and is being pushed HARD by both the Trump Campaign (as they are terrified of Biden) and the SJW over on HuffPost (as they want another scalp for their belt), and several Democratic Presidential Campaigns (quietly.)

THIS is why we will get 4 more Years of Cheeto Mussolini in 2020 and it will be OUR FAULT (again.)

It’s the “Peoples Front of Judea vs. the Judean Peoples Front” argument all over again (along with “What has the Democratic Party ever done for US!?!?!”)

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. “We have met the enemy, and they are us.”

Never, ever, underestimate the Democrat’s stunning ability to “Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory”.


You’re speaking for georgeh, now?

My observations of his various comments suggests that he’s an avid B.S. supporter. Enlighten me if I’m wrong.


I tried.

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Your various comments, at least the ones that I’ve observed, suggest otherwise. Whom do you support?

I’m hoping it doesn’t come down to that. I know that the Republicans hope it does.


I’ve had my fair share of traumatic interactions with human beings over the course of several decades. Divorces, rejections, thefts, physical fights, job dismissals, betrayals, you name it. Not a goddamned one of them haunt me today. I sleep just fine.

WTF people?! Get over it. Move on. DON’T YOU HAVE FUCKING THINGS TO DO? Life is a Bataan Death March, and if you want to malinger around complaining about your sore ankle you’re going to get left to die, because everyone else is eyes ahead, determined to get through the ordeal alive.


Poorly, since you didn’t tell me who he does support.


That’s not what happened!


[Edited out.]

I have said repeatedly since 2016 that I hoped Senator Sanders did not run again. You can look it up.

I lean toward Elizabeth Warren. I’d also vote for Biden if he is the eventual nominee, but I hope he isn’t.


For every woman who complains about someone’s behavior, how many women are there who have gotten over it and moved on?

You don’t know the answer and, by definition, you cannot know it.

Yes, if it comes down to Sanders against Trump, I will vote for Sanders. The problem is there will not be enough folks like me, and if Sanders (the non-Democrat) is the Democratic nominee, we will likely have the disaster of four more years of Trump.


I spent as much time on the matter as I thought it was worth.

Biden: The Frankening. Coming to an election cycle near you.

RE one of Biden’s accusers: https://twitter.com/IsaacDovere/status/1113764165913587712


So much mansplaining.

Remarkable how many men feel that they can tell women how they should feel about their bodies being touched.



I’m getting tired of this shit. I don’t support Biden in becoming our next Democratic nominee, but I do recognize him as a man who has gone through great personal pain in his life - losing a wife and a baby daughter to a car accident, and then losing a son to brain cancer - and because of that, one of Biden’s greatest attributes is his empathy.

Maybe he does touch a little more than some people are comfortable with. But, my God! He’s human. And, he cares. Oh! The horror!

I, for one, could use a few more Joe Biden’s in my life.