Discussion: Woman Sets Herself On Fire In Dem Congressman’s Chicago Office


“Often times people sign a register or a book with their name and address but she never got to that point.”

Always sign in first.

OK, not funny, nothing about this is funny.

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Crazy enough to set herself on fire?

Must have been one of Donnie’s AA voters.

Hope she gets through this okay, and gets the help she needs, though.

A decent and humane response and subsequent statement that are morally and factually the complete truth.

So obviously not a thing that happened at a Republican member’s office.


Has Trump tweeted yet about how this incident will convince the African-American community to vote for him?


Well this is an interesting line. It would be interesting to know what it’s in reference to. A bunch of racist crap sent their way, maybe?

Did they consider hot flashes?

Wow. Rough crowd in here today…

Got a light?

Not at all – Davis has long been a champion of needed medical and mental health services for under-served communities, and has pressed for much-need resources for mental health for years. Under the current GOP stooge Governor, Illinois – and in particular, social service organizations in Illinois – have seen their budgets for mental health services slashed. I have no doubt that Davis is constantly visited by those advocating for and those needing such services.

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Mental illness is nothing to make light of!

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So to speak.

Yeah, I agree. If you say something untoward about such a tragedy you’ll get torched for it.

I would hope that someone would look into why folks with mental issues are showing up at his office …daily. Are they mistaking the office for a doctor’s office? Or is this Rep. the only option for fixing mental health issues?
And I hope the woman isn’t badly injured and that she gets the help she needs.


The address is similar to one for Johnny Knoxville Production Studios.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the prevalence of mental illness in people who though their local congressperson could solve their problems was higher than in genpop

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You’re going to conflate mental illness and menopause for a bad pun? Sexist and really not funny.


Taking your hormones when you’re supposed to would allow just a bit of mirth at the pun.

I wasn’t aware he was a strong advocate. Thanks for the info. Still, it seems somewhat strange that those in need of that treatment would be contacting him rather than the family members or institutions coping with and trying to obtain treatment for them. Given their varied illnesses, it seems, at least for those that are untreated, few would have the wherewithal or interest in contacting him, particularly given the frequency with which people with untreated mental illness believe they don’t need treatment. Perhaps I’m being too particular in thinking of that population rather than those that are being treated, but it’s how the quote from Davis read to me. That their office is regularly contacted by those that are not currently rational or thinking clearly.