So, this will be the Pelosi Grand Opening.
Why the hell would you give the Democrats credit for reopening the government you’ve been controlling for 2 years?? Talk about an unforced self-own.
Why didn’t Steve just say, “My Whip be Busted - See Auntie Nancy for marching orders from here to eternity, LOL !!”
Seriously, given the demographic trends and the enthusiasm of the sleeping giant Democratic Electorate demonstrated this November, Steve’s chances of being in the majority in the House during his lifetime are “slim” and “none”…unless he switches parties.
Steve got rescued from the brink of death. I’m not seeing that he’s earned it.
(Hat tip: Saving Private Ryan).
Speaking of Ryan… why isn’t this announcement coming from him? He is still speaker until the end of the week right?
He with 39 other Republicans will not come back. That Congress is done.
I believe that should this government shutdown last into January very far …that those of us on Social Security won’t be seeing our checks.
Thanks trump, you are more dangerous to more people than most any bad guy who crosses the border.
Once again, Dem’s have to come clean up the GOP mess.
Except it isn’t quite because they didn’t finish their work. I’m glad the outgoing republican house doesn’t have the work ethic of the WI or NC legislature, but in most jobs you don’t get to bugger off if you haven’t finished your core tasks.
The Rethugs are going out with a bang!
Maybe a Democratic House will give troops the raise moron could only brag about but didn’t make happen.
“You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years — more than 10 years,” he said Wednesday. “And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”
Called my shot: Noted Economic Wonk Paul Ryan’s last political act was to turn the government off and not figure out how to turn it back on again.
My wife interviewed him when he initially ran for the seat. I won’t say WE ever thought he had high hopes, but for somebody who was lauded over and over during his whole tenure…he is possibly the saddest sack of shit in the whole show. He knew better
[quote=“littlegirlblue, post:13, topic:82433”]
“You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years — more than 10 years,” he said Wednesday. “And we got you a big one. I got you a big one. I got you a big one.”
[/quote]And the other part of his lie is that the military has not gotten a raise in 10 years. The military has received a pay raise every year for decades. It’s in the WAPO article, but it just has to be said. He tells lies on top of lies - to make others look bad and him look good. He’s just gotta make the other guy look bad.
What an asshole.
Very simply, Republicans do not know how to govern. They’re just horrible at it. Ryan makes Boehner look like a genius and, as I recall, Boehner was pretty terrible himself. It’s going to be a breath of fresh air to get Pelosi back in. And though they’ll never admit it, I’ll bet some Republicans are glad as well.
He lies so casually, so freely, without even a cursory interest in whether it’s a plausible lie or an easily disprovable lie or a lie which will actually win him anything.
I know I’m not treading new ground here, but he has no idea if men and women in uniform have been getting raises or not. He’s just a shyster playing the crowd.
I sure hope the Dems bray loudly and at length about the disaster state that repubes left government
“Yet again we have to clean up the mess left by those who think the best government is one that doesn’t work, I wish the repube party would just make a hostile takeover of Somalia already and leave governing the USA to the adults”
or something along those lines
The Democrats taking the House will get a bill passed in the House, but that will not get the affected government agencies back open. The only thing that will get them back open is a veto proof majority in both the House and the Senate. Who believes that will happen any time soon? It’s not even clear that McConnell will put on the floor the very same bill that passed in the Senate last week. The Democrats control one half of one branch of the federal government. When the Republicans were in the same place, they ultimately had to yield to Obama.
One of our fellow commenters suggested that within a month Social Security checks will stop, and that will force the “Trump/McConnell/Kevin McCarthy” axis to fold. If only that were true. But HHS was fully funded for 2019 back in September. Beyond that, it’s unlikely that Social Security payments would even be subject to annual appropriations; rather, I think they operated under a “continuing appropriation”.