Discussion: Wilmore: Fox News On Charleston 'Makes My F**king Head Explode' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #237644

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What did Wilmore expect from Sen. Frothy Mixture?


Nothing but gooey shit-colored slobber oozing from Santorum’s mouth.

(Please note: I despise today’s Republicans – very much).


I wonder why they didn’t call the George Tiller murder an attack on Christianity?

Oh, wait, they might actually do that if it were to happen today.


On which level of hell are the Fox News editors’ meetings to decide how they are going to spin events for their audience so that it will fit their worldview?


Here is Santorum’s deserved fate -


In today’s world, there are some times when we unfairly label people’s intentions as “racist.”

But when Fox News goes to absurd lengths to pretend that a deliberate, heinous, overtly-racist act was somehow about “religious liberty,” it exposes their true motives. They’re not delusional. They’re just plain bigots.


The talking heads on Fox News are told what to say by management and their management understands that the Fox audience is composed of essentially white racists


They are constructing an alternate preferred reality for their viewing & advertising base -

one of the greatest problems is that this delusion is like a drug addiction - the audience wants more - and more - as it feeds their ever increasing appetite -


Thank you Mr. Wilmore. More, please! Democrats should be illuminating the connection between the Fox “News” bigotry obfuscation machine and race-crime at every opportunity. How much you wanna bet this punk-ass man-child was a regular consumer of this slime?


No one who watched Fox yesterday has any idea what really happened. It’s astonishing, but true. They don’t know about the flags on the jacket, they don’t know what the guy said after he murdered nine people. They have a totally different understanding of what happened and deny the reality because they’re that divorced from it now.

This is serious. We keep taking it as a given, but it’s serious. Whenever a racial, ethnic or sectarian group is allowed to build it’s own reality, it’s own mythology of victimization at the hands of groups with less power, the way Fox is doing today, it ends in atrocity and horror. It ends with the Serbian nationalism of the first and last centuries of the twentieth century, it ends with Rwanda, with Longview and Tulsa and Rosewood, and with that other place we’re not allowed to mention on the Internet lest the conversation be deemed over.

And yet, the rest of the MSM continues to treat Fox as just another news organization.


Oh, you know it.


Is this what you were thinking?


Why the surprise at an entirely predictable FOX Noose propaganda presentation? It would be a mistake to call it a reaction when it is a seamless continuation of their every day hate and fear programing. I commend Wilmore for speaking out against the bastards. The distortion machine is as predictable as the next mass killing.




It’s fairly simple math. If conservatives admit this was racially motivated, it also forces them to admit that racism and racially motivated crimes occur and are directed toward blacks. If they do that then they’ll have to address how those crimes and acts are overwhelmingly committed by people who hold their views. Certainly not all conservatives are violent racists. However, all violent racists, or at least the overwhelming majority, are conservatives. Hell, it’s in the root of the word and the root of racists founding thoughts, to “conserve”, to resist change.

That truth means they would have to directly address a major component of their core supporters and tell them they are wrong, as we head into a presidential election. No chance anyone in that party has the courage to do that.


“Back then, no one pretended to wonder what the motivation was,” he said. “If you tried to say it was about religion, even the perpetrators would have corrected you.”

And, this is exactly what happened in his case as well. Themass murderer admitted that it was about race, he confessed that it was about race. I think every fucking reporter (if they were actually interested in doing actual journalism) should go back to Frothy, Cruz, Rand Paul, et al and ask them in light of the fact that Roof confessed the killings were racially motivated, do you still think this was an assault on Christians and Christianity? But that’s never going to happen. Welcome to the “liberal” media.


Good post. I have tried to explain this to some of my family members, but maybe not so well as have you.


And propagandists. Don’t forget that is really what they are.


Is it too much to call Fox a surrogate, Orwellian Ministry of Truth , an advocacy for the bigoted, ignorant and delusional among us?

They’re not an arm of our government. Effectively, however, that’s what they are in helping rationalize and legitimize the atrocious beliefs and hatreds of an especially nasty segment of our society.

They’re masters at what they do,I’ll give them that.

Just look at the trolls in Letters and Comments Sections of our media. The parrot Fox verbatim. Clearly they’ve internalized Fox propaganda.