Discussion: Wilmore: Fox News On Charleston 'Makes My F**king Head Explode' (VIDEO)

James Holmes attacked the freedom to choose butter or extra butter.
Adam Lanza attacked the freedom to color outside the lines.
Anders Breivik attacked the freedom to go camping.


subtle. I like it.

Actually I doubt it. But I have no doubt that he believed all the forwarded emails, etc. that are part of the same slime machine.

The Rwanda one with the hate radio thing pushing BS is what scares the shit out of me. And you’re right.


FUX News: “UUUUUhhhh…We’re NOT racists! How dare you! And we don’t know why we’re unquestionably and solidly NO # 1 with racists. They just seem to love, love…love us! We don’t know why and our fee-fees’ are just crushed when you call us ~gasp!~ RACISTS!”


I don’t recall any time hen we unfairly label people’s intentions as racist. Name a few = I need my memory refreshed[quote=“DatelessNerd, post:7, topic:22868, full:true”]
In today’s world, there are some times when we unfairly label people’s intentions as “racist.”

But when Fox News goes to absurd lengths to pretend that a deliberate, heinous, overtly-racist act was somehow about “religious liberty,” it exposes their true motives. They’re not delusional. They’re just plain bigots.

I don’t remember any time when we unfairly label people’s intention as racist. Please refresh my memory

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My sister is republican - hardly a racist or right wing, but a died in the wool republican, who, when she bothers to watch the news, watches Fox, so I immediately expressed my views on what happened ,and just as I thought, she said she had heard about it but hadn’t watched much news. I called the act what it was and that this is what happens when people listen to right wing hate radio and television, I also mentioned that Steve Doocy had the nerve to say that if any of those people had a gun, they could have stopped him from killing all the people he killed.


Excellent post; just wanted to emphasize that bit.

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Look, it’s not just a metaphor. The right in this country has literally voluntarily imposed upon itself the mental discipline that Eric Blair believed it would take an all-encompassing surveillance and torture police state to impose upon us.

re-read Chapter 9 of “1984,” and the discussion of the terms “crimestop,” “blackwhite” and “doublethink” in the context of how right wing media and the right wing base interact and and feel the despair.


A good gf of mine doesn’t believe me that this is part of it. She suspects that most white people are racist and secretly talk really bad about blacks when she’s not around. Ten years ago I would have disagreed with her vigorously. Now, not so much. I also try not to pull the #notallwhitepeople stuff with her even though she’s expressing her views to very white me.

I’ve also seen so many of the older people I know change. I don’t know if it was 9/11, the change in culture or RW media, but they are no longer happy. They are scared and angry and Fox does it’s best to keep them that way.

Another friend’s Dad had a firm, hired all races, his #2 guy was black. He didn’t mind that his daughter dated different races. After he retired, and relatively well off at that, he sat around all day watching Fox and fumed about immigrants, “thugs”, etc. until he died an unhappy, bitter man. It sucks.


What did she say?

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The Fox Brother, good one Larry.

I’ve read this story dozens of times. Fox News and the Ailes/Atwater poison works slowly. One of the things wingnuts who visited Media Matters would constantly say is that you have to listen to many shows, as though it were a type of meditation after which enlightenment would occur.

The actual payoff is a hate-high and an effortless means of “arguing” with people to the point of exhaustion.


It’s toxic.

"replaying the clips reporting shooter Dylann Roof’s racism and statements to the victims like, "you are raping our women and taking over the country.”

In the Fox view “you” here refers to “Christians.” He was an atheist! Or maybe even a secret Muslim!!

Only in the bizarroworld where the BaggerWingnuts like frothy Santorum live could you look at this almost unimaginably sad, horrific and depraved tragedy and make YOURSELF the victim.
Shorter Santorum: “We Christians are the real victims here.”
Oh Rick…GFY with a broken bottle.



An academic friend of mine has studied the phenomenon and concluded that roughly 40-50% of any population is quite content to live under authoritarian regimes. Being able to rat out one’s neighbors is a major plus for them.

He went all through Europe, interviewed hundreds of people and for some odd reason the attitude seems more prevalent in the northern parts of European countries. Why? Who knows?


I’d go with Erickson over Santorum because the former has no concept of good vs. evil in today’s news.

Scary thought. This means they are pandering to the basest instincts, the lowest common denominator, the stupidest of their viewers… And Fox News ratings show there are lots of this demographic in America.

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