Discussion for article #222739
Discussion: Will Questions About Hillary's Age Complicate GOP'S Reagan Worship? Chuck Todd Thinks So
Chuck, Chuck this assumes that Republicans recognize hypocrisy
Well, wellwell, Ron had Gawd on his side and Nancy’s astrologer to advise him, and stuff.
Besides, MURKA!
For a guy who knows a lot of “stuff” about every district race in every state he almost never has anything to say.
So… Republicans just turn this into asking HRC for a “pledge” that she’ll only serve one term. According to official GOP history, St. Reagan accomplished all his good stuff in his first term and then sort of drifted off in his second.
I think age is fair game for both sides and, frankly, Reagan was President eons ago in political terms. Somewhere, I have a picture of him racing dinosaurs with FDR… :-/
It’s not a problem for them. It’s kneejerk stuff. They don’t think any further ahead than that.
I agree. republicans will have no problem with ignoring the Reagan issue while they are drooling over this latest non issue. And Dems are laughing at the rank hypocrisy already.
So Todd’s analysis is completely empty, and is based upon some delusion that most voters are non partisan. They aren’t. 80% + of the electorate has already decided how they will vote in 2016, and we don’t even have a single candidate officially declared for either party.
Chuck forgets the first rule of the GOP; Okay for me but not for thee.
‘If you’re going to go down this road and try to claim that she’s going to have some issues or health issues … then you may have to be throwing your own guy, Ronald Reagan, under the bus a little bit,’ Todd said on ‘Morning Joke.’
In the face of indisputable evidence that the onset of Reagan’s dementia was clear long before his term was over, they still deny that to this day and claim the man had his shit together all the while.
Well, of course, that’s because the Republican standard for having their shit together is just being lucid enough to follow orders from the plutocrats. There’s no other requirement for the candidacy, or the office holder should we be unfortunate enough for the candidate to attain that status.
Still, there are a litany of reasons to oppose a Clinton candidacy independent of her age. The reason Republicans will whine about the age is because they actually support all those reasons, so they have to make something up just to have something bad to say, just like Obama and Benghazi.
Yeah, imagine a Republican coming on Fox News, spittle flying in anger, saying “Yeah, that sonofabitch Obama, why, his Justice Department won’t prosecute the banksters! Impeach!!” Ain’t happening. No, instead, the party of fifty-plus health insurance reform repeals now silent on that success will take the Benghazi hearings to Round 7, because they actually like the bad shit Obama does.
This isn’t for the 40% or so who will NEVER vote for a D as president.
Reagan’s age will shoot down that argument for the 60% of thinking voters.
Raygun was 69 when he was sworn in, in 1981. Turned 70 just a few weeks later.
Hillary would be 69, when sworn in, turning 70, the following October.
So, look for the GOP to start lying about Raygun’s birth year.
Simple. We demand the long-form birth certificate.
How do you feel about Supreme Court Justices for life?
Were there long-form birth certificates when Reagan was born?
Dear Chuck,
Trust Ugg. Repugs don’t give a shit. If they dug Ronnie up and ran him, he’d get 68% of their votes.
Ugg the Repug
Hmmm…good question. If there were, I imagine someone had to go down to the river and beat some papyrus reeds with a rock and make the paper from that. Since the long form would take a lot more papyrus-beating labor, it might not be a bad assumption that the forms were all of the short variety, calling their voracity into unending question.
Well, well, every shill has his day.
Not the same at all.
A Democratic president has to actually be lucid and think.
A Republican president just has to show up at photo-ops, repeat scripted nonsense, and sign what the plutocrats shove in front of him.
Politics is Chuck’s forte but he’s not too aware.
The GOP thrives on hypocrisy therefore Hilary’s age is an issue because she’s a Democrat and not a Republican.
Really? I thought it was hiding acorns in the crooks of tree branches.