Discussion: Will McGahn's No-Show Tip Dems Towards Impeachment?


‘Will McGahn’s No-Show Tip Dems Towards Impeachment?’
No - but they’ll write a very sternly worded letter. Very stern.


Nancy won’t do anything; she doesn’t want to ruin the mood at the cocktail parties.


I don’t know about that, and I am about tired of making National Survival a sort of “drama” clickbaitable (which is what I am doing right now too).

What will get things going are revelations about Trump’s criminality before the American people.

Instead of playing Trump’s court-room-appeal bullshit (which is built upon obstruction so obvious as to be of ghastly proportions) we, long ago, should have been focusing on revelations and what’s left of the Fourth Estate.

The people who know about Trump. Shame on those who permit this monster to harm so many people and shame on the cowards who permit the permitters.


See the entire thread.

(h/t @inversion)


THIS is the case where the House should use its inherent contempt powers – and do so immediately.

McGahn is a private citizen who was required to appear before congress to answer questions — including questions that under no circumstances could be considered privileged, because they related to things McGahn was asked to di after he left the White House.

Pass the contempt citation, authorize the sargeant at arms to detain McGahn, and be ready to hold a hearing.

If the Democrats want to show that they are taking this seriously, they should delay/cancel their “holiday” recess, and make this happen now.


I’ll bite, which is more important to you?

An impeachment vote or an impeachment hearing (you can only pick 1)


“… what’s left of the Fourth Estate…”

Our “press corps” has been in the dumper for years. The NYT and Maureen Dowd destroyed Kerry and Gore, manufactured the Whitewater “scandal”. CNN in particular sucked up to the Bush Jr and Cheney regime, firing anyone who dare criticize it.


Revelations before the American people. There are ways to get to this.

Lots of them.


Do not commit until we have the entire unredacted report. They are hiding something.

Do not trust Republicans, especially not lying Barr



and when you’ve answered that, explain why you think its possible for an impeachment vote to not be preceded by impeachment hearings…


I keep reading about how letters suck and that there needs to be an immediate impeachment vote.

Now I really want to hear Raskin n Cohen explain how a vote should be the thing, but their stammering is going to be just as worse as them getting grilled by Burnett or Bolduan.


Americans refuse to admit that Trump has turned this country into a banana republic run by a criminal cartel of thugs. The myth of “American Exceptionalism” is alive and well. America is exceptionally impotent and in the throes of a not-so-disguised coup. Trump needs to be locked up…yesterday.


I get the retinence of Democratic leadership and get super annoyed when wealthy talking heads on TV make these arguments about doing the right thing even if it costs us the election. Dude, that’s really easy to say sitting from the safety and security of a 30 Rock or some studio in DC. Meanwhile, there are babies in cages at the border (the ones that don’t die) and there are thousands of others who may never see their parents again because of this evil administration. RBG may or may not have another five years left in her and we could at any moment lose the opportunity to flip a Conservative seat. Clarence Thomas really looks like shit.

To me, the fear that impeachment that fails to remove him (and it will) runs the very real risk of empowering PP and helping to reelect him. Swinging and missing could literally be fatal for a lot of people in this country, so I get it. I actually appreciate that Democratic leadership recognizes that the risks could be greater than any reward and aren’t necessarily of the mindset that the truth and righteousness are more important than winning. Truth and righteousness will die in this country if we don’t win.


As Rome burns, the Democrats are worried about appearing partisan.


So,…IF the House jailed Mcgahn, using inherent contempt - they dont have the stones - does a court isseued writ of Habeas Corpus have the power to compel release given that its ‘contempt’, and its the HOUSE, as opposed to the Executive branch??

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Which is far more important?

An impeachment inquiry or a straight up impeachment vote (I’m saying this as I know full well that either will be jammed up by ‘1600’.)


No, they’re worried about screwing this up, empowering PP, and losing the SCOTUS for a generation and our democracy forever. There are bigger issues and concerns at play here than just sticking it to the Republicans.


Thinking about your question AND mine, really, isnt impeachment the ONLY procedure that the orange, turd blossum in chief cant stymie?

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