Discussion: Will Conservatives Convince SCOTUS To Take A Major Swipe At Unions?

Discussion for article #244445


That photo captures the banality of evil quite well.


There is a simple solution to this; Teachers who don’t want to pay Union Dues have to individually negotiate a contract with the School District. If you don’t want Union Protections, you don’t get them.
In other words, if you want to work as an “Adjunct Professor” in the Public School System, so be it.
Good Luck with that.


Yep, men who will blithely issue rulings that can cause untold harm to the incomes of thousands if not millions, to the health of similar numbers. How do they justify their actions? That they’re doing what is somehow morally right, damn the fallout?

Intellectuals in black robes can be every bit as cruel as those who committed genocide or torture.
The guy in charge of torture in Cambodia was a PhD as I recall. Heydrich was a Roman Catholic and a very cultured man.

Long after I’m turned to plant food historians will look on this period – assuming we survive as a republic – as an era of great cruelty perpetrated on millions of innocents by perverting and corrupting institutions by SCOTUS rulings.
. Yes, “legislating from the bench,” but with a mindless disregard of the consequences for untold numbers of citizens.

Look at;

Brown v Board of ed
Dred Scott
CItizens united
Bush v Gore

to name just a few.



And there you have it

Under Friedrich’s study of the first amendment: ignorance and obstinance are protected by the first.


I wish I could threaten threaten TPM until it hired a copy editor.

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In other words, these people who want all the benefits of the union for nothing are some “freeloading mooches” the GOP/Teatrolls actually love.


Can’t talk now. “Rehabilitation” is on.
Ow! My Balls! Guy is singing the national anthem.

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The “Andrew Pincus” mentioned at the end is the oldest child of longtime WaPo national security desk reporter Walter (also a lawyer, but who it appears only got the degree to use it in relation to his reporting), who last week, at the young age of 83, formally ‘retired’ the WaPo. There’ve been a number of terrific nat-sec beat reporters at WaPo over my lifetime, in particular I’d name Dana Priest (also Bart Gellman for his work in and around the monster Cheney, Carl Bernstein for a while at least, except for his strange problems with the Clintons, and even Bob Woodward to some extent, not just for his work with Bernstein but otherwise for his strangely compelling tho nonetheless typically ‘bad’ book on CIAD Bill Casey), no one of them more honorable and dligent than Walter Pincus.


Conservatism = Irrationality + Freeloading

Is there anything else to it?


Ava., you need to be blogging somewhere visible vs. hanging out in the comments.

“We wanted to be clear that we were fighting for the right of a minority teachers to not have to pay for the union because they fundamentally disagree with it, so this is a free speech case – it’s not an anti-union case,”

That’s quite a load but they’ll get away with it. Free speech isn’t involved in this case Unions are. They aren’t "fighting for the right " of anything but the right of those few teachers to kill something the majority want because a certain political point of view doesn’t like it.

Isn’t everyone sick of this? We know what it’s about. They’ve been up to it for years. They use whatever excuse works at the time. In Wisconsin it was budgetary here its free speech. But its always the same thing. Republicans killing what they perceive to be a source of Democratic funding. The Unions. You want a Union
but they don’t want you to have it. So you lose and you lose every time. GOP’ers are pros at taking things away.


As would become immediately apparent if an employee objected to employer infringement on free speech.

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That picture ruined my day. I can’t begin to express how much I dislike this man. There are no words other than the ones that might land me in jail


I was a public employee in California for over 30 years. And an active Union member. Whether or not someone belongs to the union or pays agency fees, the Union is required to represent them. So if agency fees end, I would hope that that requirement would end. In the late 90’s, there was an initiative on the ballot to weaken unions in some way which I do not remember. We were warned by our union that California was a test. If it passed, it would be attempted throughout the country. The last 15 years have been very scary for Americans.


Thanks for pointing this out
 But it’s not quite right

What’s NOT right? In California you work it out through the union. As pointed out here:

For general information . . .

This is from: California Teachers Empowerment Network

For a thorough description of these options, talk with your local union president or inquire directly at the California Teachers Association website or offices.

Do You Know Your Teachers Union Membership Options?

There may be refund options your union does not want you to know about, or facts about your membership of which you have never been made aware. Read below to find out more.

Do you know you have a choice regarding your union membership?

Yes, you have a choice! Every local union negotiates an agreement between itself and the local school district. Every teacher should receive a copy of this agreement. Every agreement has an article entitled Organizational Security. In that article, the types of membership categories are clearly delineated.

They include:

1. Union Member

Your full dues are deducted from your monthly paychecks. Choosing this option means you can hold office in the union, give input and vote on the contract, carry the union’s insurance and have legal representation, should you have an employment related dispute.

2. Fair Share or Agency Fee

An amount equal to full dues is deducted from your monthly paychecks and you are entitled to a yearly rebate of monies that the union admits not spending on collective bargaining, contract administration or grievance adjustment. Using the above example of $1,050 of dues, a rebate of approximately $350, spent on other items, could be returned to you. Choosing this option means you are not a Union member. You cannot hold office in the union. You can give input into, but not vote on the contract. You cannot carry the union’s insurance, but the union is required to provide legal representation if you have a dispute regarding your contract. The latter is true because the union has a “duty of fair representation” to all members of the bargaining unit. Additionally, choosing the agency fee option does mean that you do have some say in the monies your union spends if that spending runs contrary to your wishes.

Using your dues rebate check, you can join organizations such as the Association of American Educators ( www.aaeteachers.org) or the Christian Educators Association International ( www.ceai.org/) for your insurance and legal needs. These are professional organizations, not unions. Your rebate check will more than cover the cost of joining one of these organizations.

3. Religious/Conscientious Objector

The full dues equivalent is deducted in monthly paychecks but is made payable to a charitable fund exempt from taxation under Section 501©(3) of Title 26 of the Internal Revenue Code. Such contributions might not be an allowed charitable tax deduction for you, however, and you should check with your tax professional before claiming such. Choosing this option means you are not a union member. You cannot hold office in the union, you can give input into but not vote on the contract, you cannot carry the union’s insurance, but the union is required to provide legal representation should you have a dispute regarding your contract.

Choosing this option means the union gets none of your money. While you will lose the union’s liability insurance and legal representation there are alternative ways to secure this coverage. You can join the Association of American Educators ( www.aaeteachers.org) or the Christian Educators Association International ( www.ceai.org) for your insurance and legal needs. These are professional organizations, not unions. If you would like to read more about becoming a religious objector, click on http://www.nrtw.org/ro1.htm.

Click here for more on how to Opt Out of the Union



I hope the public sector unions lose. My experience with them is that they promoted sloth, and could care less about the people whom they served. I was lawyer for the city of Philadelphia responsible for creating and getting filed legal briefs. Our building would run out of xerox paper every month, but the courts did not care— they wanted the briefs filed on time or the consequences could be dire. However, when the building ran out of paper the union guards who were supposed to check for weapons conning in would check our briefcases and backpacks for paper to make sure we were not doing the job of the AFCSME District Council 33 workers, one of whose jobs was to take the paper off the shelf in the warehouse and put in into the truck, another to drive the truck to my building, and another to take the paper off the track, get it up the elevator, and onto the shelf. In a pinch you could count on them to take their coffee break, and leave at 5:00. (Some of the secretaries did not do this, but they were also the ones who crossed the picket lines when there was a strike.)

Public service unions like those for the teachers are now doing as much as the Republicans to kill the ACA, with their success in getting rid of the Cadillac tax, eroding even further the finding base for the act and increasing premium and deductibles for middle class tax payers who buy insurance with after tax dollars. I do not like Sam Alito, but I am rooting for him on this one. Unions have no place in public sector jobs— they are just more blood sucking leaches on the public teat, like, say, Congressional aides who are married to or relatives of congresspersons— and the sooner they are gone, the better.

You are in error.

But others may have more patience than I do in explaining why.


But aren’t unions just the same as corporations 
 people? And if the good teacher (shades of Kim Davis) doesn’t want to be represented by a union, then let her negotiate her own contract with the school district. I’m sure they’d be more than glad to reduce her salary and increase her work-load.

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Well I hope you paid more attention to your legal tasks than you do to your syntax.