Discussion: Wikileaks Is Now In The Biz Of Pushing Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theories

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Ironic that Assange is now the type of entity he was originally fighting against
Putin must be paying him well.


At one time, I thought there was a method to the madness by Wikileaks and Assange. But I see I was wrong. They are utter hacks bringing their personal grievances to what should be a professional organization.

He’s become the Donald Trump of leaking information and has no credibility nor my respect at this point.

He’ll continue to hack and leak information, but Wikileaks/Assange have lost face and trust from many people.


That whistle blower doth bark too much lately, methinks. I’ll tune in if he actually bites.


By getting involved in partisan politics, succumbing to personal pettiness and self-interest, and forsaking fairness and intellectual honesty, Julian Assange and Wikileaks have hopelessly corrupted their supposed cause. There’s always room for honest journalism; what we don’t need are unprincipled, sanctimonious rat fvckers who are accountable to no one.


The surprise is gonna be when Putin gives him up after he’s served his purpose –


So Assange finds Hillary to be a threat to independent journalism, yet Trump gets a pass after praising Putin for having actual journalists killed.

Got it, loud and clear. What a frickin’ clown.


Assange has become power mad. I pay little attention to what Wikileaks publishes now. He resembles Trump in that when people begin to mistrust him and lose interest, he ups the ante to get attention.


No surprise here as Wikileaks servers are now hosted in Russia, and Assange frequently posts stories to the English language “Russia Today” channel (a well known propaganda channel in Russia.)
His ties to Putin and Russia are undeniable, and he doesn’t bother to deny it either.
Anything coming out of Wikileaks is HIGHLY suspect and has been for several years now.
Assange is a “useful idiot” to the Russian Intelligence community who laugh at him behind his back.
All of this is to promote Trump (who owes Russian Oligarchs Millions of $$$) and I GUARANTEE that “Wikileaks” will be the source of the “October Surprise” that Assange keeps hinting at (as soon as the FSB/SVR get done authoring it.)
It will be released on Oct. 31st, 2016. That gives it enough time to permeate the facile MSM talking-points, but not enough time for the Hillary campaign to debunk it (which it will do, easily.)
As the MSM has taught us; “It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be GOOD!” for them to take that stick and run with it (like the good little lapdogs they are.)
Legend has it that LBJ, in one of his early congressional campaigns, told one of his aides to spread the story that Johnson’s opponent fucked pigs. The aide responded “Christ, Lyndon, we can’t call the guy a pigfucker. It isn’t true.” To which LBJ supposedly replied “Of course it ain’t true, but I want to make the son-of-a-bitch deny it.”


What a freakin’ grandstander. He’s trying to deflect attention from the fact that his big Clinton Foundation dump didn’t show anything.


It’s truly amazing. Trump has been endorsed by:

  1. ISIS

  2. Putin

  3. Kim Jong Un

  4. The American Nazi Party

  5. Julian Assange


“Wikileaks published the home addresses of every female voter in 79 of [Turkey’s] 81 provinces, opening those women up to serious safety concerns.”

How does this even remotely serve the public interest?

This is rank opportunism that attacks democracy and fuels fundamentalist death cults.

Julian Assange has become a high-tech, misogynistic, homicidal version of Bozo The Clown, sans greasepaint, wig, and big floppy shoes.


Must be getting a wee bit cramped over at the embassy.


Now you have Roger Stone working with him. During the Cold War you could call him Soviet mole. Even his hero Nixon would be shocked. Why does Roger hate America?


Assange is a coward and maybe worse/. I make it a lifelong practice to never believe what a coward says. Why would you??? he’s been hiding out a long time?


(Assange) went on to say “there’s no finding” that Rich was killed in a robbery.

And everyone knows that northwest Washington is one of the safest neighborhoods in the whole country.

OK. Assange has now officially entered the loony zone- another “dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!”


Wikileaks has purchased an Alex Jones franchise but with the soul of Breitbart.


…and Trump.


Fuck off, Assange. This isn’t a fucking game. Real people’s lives are at stake and “completely unpredictable” is not way to go through a Presidency.

You are a petty little man in a trap of your own making. By deliberately attempting to influence the election, you have made this all about you, instead of the free flow of information.


Hackers are unprincipled criminals, period.