That and refusing entry to any news organization/reporter he doesn’t think is sufficiently worshiping him.
Likely a shared bank account… ;-}
Nothing Special Forces couldn’t easily remedy…
This ASSHOLEis wanfor RAPE he can’t step outside for fear of being arrested
There never was, it was all ego trip and nothing more than anarchy for self promotion. If you look at Assange’s history and his behavior he is like Trump in a lot of ways. He believes in his own self importance, and is either lying and/or believes that Sweden wants to kill him (he is up on multiple rape charges, that is why he is hiding not because he is a hero).
There is a huge difference between journalism, exposing information that needs to be exposed, and what Wikileaks and Snowden have been doing. Funny how both have now become puppets of dictators in the name of “freedom.”
Although there probably was nothing that important in the Wikileaks original dumps do you really think he would have given a s**t if it endangered peoples lives? All he cared about was that is made him an international name. And the person who gave him the information is stuck in prison for a long time. I am pretty sure Assange is not losing any sleep over Chelsea Manning.
Most of these people we’ll never hear from again after the election.
What can you expect for a rapist?
Roger Stone didn’t he pose in underware in a wife swapping mag???
Every time I even see this slimy little scumbag, I feel the urge to go wash with Clorox.
Plus Trump wanted Snowden to get ‘the drip’, but was willing to let bygones be bygones if Snowden snagged Obama’s college transcripts.
He sure did. His ex wife Ann is the founder of Republicans for choice. Irony alert.
Yes we will
Its an industry to them
Shorter Assange: I want to get an asylum in Russia.
Please, this guy is nothing more than a rapist hiding out in some embassy!
Follow the money, someone is paying him for this smear campaign!
If Julian Assange was half as interested in ‘transparency’ as he claims to be, he’d quit hiding in that damn embassy and go to Sweden to face the sexual assault charges that have been leveled against him. In the meantime, I’d say that he is a coward, a hypocrite, and a patsy (or agent) for the Russian gov’t/Pres. Putin.
One suspects being a woman of power and influence is too much for men to bear.
Meanwhile, he’s hiding out in some embassy afraid to face the rape charges!
When I say real people’s lives are stake, I am talking about the loss of life that will result from a Donald Trump presidency.
I agree that Assange doesn’t give a shit about where he gets the information. He doesn’t care that Chelsea Manning is rotting in prison, or that the Russians supplied him with the DNC stash.
Let’s see if he releases Trump’s tax returns, which, at this point, have to be the Holy Grail of all hidden documents.
Imagine being raped by that guy? You’d want to wash with more than just clorox!
Come on Ecuador, kick this clown out so we can see him being perp walked to prison for rape!