Discussion: WikiLeaks Deletes Twitter Poll Asking Users To Diagnose Hillary Clinton

Assange is getting ***jerk***ier by the day.

(Irony alert: “ass” in name, “ass” in deed, indeed.)


Nah, he’s always been this much of an ass.

It’s just that people are actually taking notice now.


TPM should consider NOT CLOSING DOWN over the week end.

It’s unprofessional.


It’s… it’s… full of Frists!

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At one time I thought Wikileaks and Julian Assange were if not perfect, at least principled, with the good of the world at large at heart. More and more, I’m realizing they’re just an on-line, Russian financed Fox news with Assange being a slightly less cordial Sean Hannity.


If Clinton makes a timely recovery, this incident might help her, because of stunts like Assange’s. Ironically, I think that going after someone who has a mild illness might look worse than unfounded speculation about hidden major illnesses: my reasoning is that the former is clear-cut, so that the public can discern the overreaction.
I hope things turn out well. There are several recent articles by medical experts which explain that her diagnoses is not per se serious.


You have to ask why he’s carrying this bucket of water and for whom? I’ve supported Wikileaks in the past and hope this is a temporary misjudgement because it smells like politics.

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This is not an idealist concerned with “truth” at all. He’s showing himself to be an eager propagandist for whatever person or political entity is willing to aid his fortunes.


Seriously? They went from being a bunch of hackers to being some pathetic online polling outfit? Anyone want to ask Daniel Ellsberg what he thinks now of his favorite so-called “do-gooder” hacker group? Trying to game a U.S. election through the auspices of a foreign government (Putin’s Russia) is the epitome of subversion and unscrupulousness. Fuck off Wikileaks. Your interference in our election is disgusting and unwanted.


Basket of deplorables.


The question is whether he still has enough “respect” left with folks (who don’t keep up with current news and are aware of just what an @$$ he is and how much in Putin’s pocket he is) to succeed with his Clinton vendetta.

Off topic: Julian Assange is a good example of why I was never a huge fan of Bernie Sanders. Zealots, anarchists, revolutionaries, are always about their “revolution” and about a narcissistic cult of personality, and damn the inevitable (and usually incredibly serious and/or horrifying) consequences. It never ever seems to end well with these folks.


Lupus?! Is it lupus?!!!

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I don’t believe this is a temporary misjudgment. Wikileaks is housed in and financed by Russia.


It is still unclear to me why Assange is not already on trial in-absentia as a hostile foreign agent.


Assange has made no “secret” (though he tries to couch it in “champion of governmental transparency” which was always such a thin veneer)of why he’s doing what he’s doing…

For him it’s about prosecuting his own personal, petty grudges… And he’s been at this for years

I mean he has said, in as many words, that he views Clinton as a “personal enemy”.


What’s the old expression? Follow the money?

And follow the trail to see who has:

  1. Been benefiting the most from Wikileak’s actions.
  2. Not been the target of any of Wikileak’s actions. Which is insane considering they’re supposedly “pro transparency” and Russia’s about as transparent as a dark black coal briquette (which also happens to be the color of Putin’s soul/heart).

I know – that’s something I don’t understand either. To be fair, I haven’t really delved into the minutia of the case. What I have heard is that he is not an actual “suspect,” but a “person of interest,” and that may be why he’s not on trial in-absentia. Do you know more to that story?

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This just demonstrates how Wikileaks continues to be the unbiased, neutral arbiter of free speech and expression, diligently conveying info without tilt or cheerleading for a party or outcome.


Proof positive WikiLeaks is a sham, an extremely bad version of The Onion.

On the positive side, one less website to ever take seriously.