Discussion: Why Republicans Are Digging In Heels After Second Kavanaugh Accusation


Democrats, on the other hand, think that Republicans are embracing an anti-woman narrative that will hurt them with crucial constituencies in the midterms.

One would hope this is the case. I suspect too that the “thin Reporting” would become a lot thicker if they were to call some of those folk to testify under oath before the Senate committee. I further believe this is another reason to dismiss it out of hand. If it’s not taken seriously they don’t have to investigate and have it suddenly become much more serious than it is.


Careful here, GOP. You love it that Ramirez admits she was drinking and her memories are fuzzy. But don’t confuse honesty with weakness. There’s a larger world than yours in which people value and respect honesty. Sounds like crazy talk to you, but I’m quite serious. So there’s that. There’s also the fact that when more stories come out in a similar vein, the ones that came before grow in credibility. So don’t start licking your chops and betting the farm on this one, gang.


The days turn into weeks


Excellent! At the end of the day, the creep will lose his DC Circuit judgeship, too!


BUT there seems to be quite a bit of corroboration of Ramirez’s story. I hope they do bet the farm, and the dust bowl sweeps in.


Why are Republicans digging in? Because they have a death wish for their congressional majority.


I would hope that Democratic senators are collecting affidavits from some of the relevant witnesses–I’d like to see one from Kavanaugh’s college roommate, who says he was a knockout drunk–and present them on live TV Thursday. Sure, Grassley will refuse to accept them, but it will be in front of the entire nation.


Good one. : ) Yeah, I hope they chain themselves to this too. But I think the place the really are is like a herd of prey animals that smell danger, shifting around nervously and ready to bolt.


They are digging in because the white man as victim IS their dominant narrative.


What else would you expect? Doubling down is standard operating procedure for these guys. The worse it looks for Kavanaugh in terms of credible accusations and evidence, the more the GOP will fall back on outraged cries that they – THEY – and Judge Kavanaugh are the real victims here.
The grievance card has been highly effective for them. And make no mistake: Kavanaugh could have a body buried in his parents backyard and McConnell would still have the votes to confirm. You can be confident that he has sufficient dirt on every waverer to insure that, in the end, each of them will fall into line if so ordered.
By all means, the Dems should fight this to the last ditch – but the only real way to stop the GOP is at the polls You can’t shame them. You can’t appeal to justice or fairness. The GOP has no sense of guilt, responsibility, decency or honor. Despite the growing body of evidence that Kavanaugh is not only a Stepford Judge but also has a documentable history as an entitled skeeze, he 's still on the road to confirmation.


Ya keep digging
It will work out Great for you


Making an issue of Ramirez’s alcohol-fogged memory would be a dangerous game for the GOP: it seems to be firmly established that heavy drinking was a big part of Kavanaugh’s youth.

If alcohol makes Ramirez’s account unreliable, why shouldn’t it do the same for Kavanaugh’s denials?


See also: backfire effect, the


There was an account in The Atlantic by a woman who got in touch with a man who date-raped her in college decades before. He was shocked, and said he didn’t remember it at all, had no idea it had happened, because he was blackout drunk when he did it. I don’t know if that idea’s going to filter out of all the noise surrounding this nomination but the heavy drinking certainly cuts both ways.


I fear that Kavenagh will be psychologically affected by all this (whether he’s lying or not), such that, if confirmed, he’ll be against any cause he considers linked to the efforts to keep him off SCOTUS. Some avuncular Dem should ask him about this at the next hearing.


There’s a big wild-card here that many are ignoring. Maryland, where the events dating back to his Georgetown Prep days occurred, has NO Statute of Limitations on sexual assault (including attempted). That’s likely why everyone, including his pals, are clamming up. The Montgomery County cops have received and are supposedly investigating a complaint from an unnamed woman. And there is Avenatti’s client-he has a record of following through on what he claims. So the prospect of a Supreme Court Justice facing criminal charges is not completely far-fetched…


You just have to internalize the fact, staring us in the face, that the Republican Party leadership shares the mindset of Trump and Kavanaugh. This is no longer Republican vs Democrat, in their minds this is now Bro’s vs Ho’s.

The game is given away by the kabuki on Thursday of having a female actor staffer asking the Republican questions of Blasey Ford.


They’re digging in their heels because they sincerely believe, based on personal experience with one another I’m sure, what Reps. Cramer and King have said out loud. If their buddy Kavanaugh is the new standard, no man will ever be qualified for anything. Cramer and King are unusually devoid of class, even for Republicans, but there’s no doubt that every one of those Senators believes it and feels it too. Again, such a sweeping generalization could only be based on the personal experiences of men Republicans know best: their fellow Republicans. It’s proven in spades by their own President, and the fish rots towards the posterior from there.