Discussion: Why Jeff Sessions As Attorney General Horrifies Voting Rights Advocates

Me too, as soon as I stop twittering my pants.

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Just voting rights advocates? This dude should horrify everyone.


Just when I was decreasing my Xanax intake, he pulls this shit.


Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III can be trusted to do everything within the powers of his office to roll things as far back as possible regarding civil rights. He is not even very coy about it. I have no facts to base this on, but I am sure his family is still inflamed over the loss of wealth and property that was stolen from them when they lost their slaves, and I am sure the injustices done to the Sessions clan at the hands of carpetbagging northerners were the stuff of dinner table conversations every night. The only thing more dangerous than a bigot is a smart bigot with a law degree and righteous justification for his hatred. This guy is not Trump’s tool - Trump is his tool.


As of today, I find this the most frightening nominee. Can’t wait for next week. Sigh.

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This goon at DOJ basically means there will be violence next year. People will protest, word from DOJ will mean impunity for PDs who crack down. The result will be protests > crackdowns > violence & riots. Trump and Sessions will respond by stokng the flames and it will only get worse. Can’t imagine this ending well.

Yes, this is the scenario I see. To me it’s almost as if Trump is putting Sessions in precisely for this purpose. I’ve always had the feeling that there would literally be blood in the streets if Trump was elected. Now I’m sure of it.

Perhaps the game plan is to use civic protest as an excuse to declare some kind of “state of emergency” and really “take off the gloves.” I can easily see mass protests turning into violent suppression, then major riots as the violence escalates. Who knows, maybe it’ll be like the draft riots during the Civil War.

These assholes lost the popular vote by 2M votes, but are acting like they can do literally anything they want. This will not end well.


Henry Gibson or Henrik Ibsen? I forget.

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Sessions seems rather stiff and old to be flexible enough to pass below the bar set by John Mitchell, but some limbo artists are truly amazing that way.

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One would normally think that of a traditional politician. With Agent Orange, however, it’s just dumb luck. He appears to simply be rewarding his staunchest supporters plum positions based on their loyalty to and advocacy of him. It really is as simple as that. Trump is not a deep thinker. To compare this to the Dune oeuvre, he is not so much Baron Harkonnen as the Beast Rabban. Basically a walking id.

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Point taken, but we may get to the same place anyway. If there is initial violence, things could easily spiral out of control and the walking id. will kick in. Then heaven knows what will happen. Remember, we’re dealing with a vindictive, anger prone prick who has not the foggiest idea what the words “rule of law” mean.

Agreed. The end result may likely be the same, the only difference being whether it was intentional or not. Or, as they used to do on The Daily Show, is it Team Stupid or Team Evil? Trump clearly plays for Team Stupid, but Team Evil has his ear.

What I am amazed with is the idea the same people who were asleep during the 2016 election (almost 50% didn’t vote)…many because they were “turned off” by Hillary…or because they believed “all politicians are the same”… are NOT now paralyzed with fear and rage at having to fight for their rights.

Because it’s not just minorities that Sessions will affect.

The GOP only wants GOP VOTES. That means that a person can be a complete Nordic Swede with skin so bright that he/she needs no lamps in the house…and if he/she is a Democrat he/she will not be able to vote. And what will happen to this Nordic? Well, he/she gets to live in Trump’s Dictatorship like all the rest of us.

In any other country, people would calmly look at this situation and decide to ACT. We can actually do the same thing and ACT. The communication avenues are here. People are not shooting at people trying to vote (like which has happened in other countries).

We can use the DNC to coordinate a message to 50 or so vulnerable Congressmen that they will be voted out.

By WHOM? Glad you asked.

They would be the tens and tens of millions of new voters. New voters who will raise the voter participation rate to levels people attain in other countries. It is easy to attain things when one puts his/her mind to it…and every cynical naysayer opining otherwise would never have made it outside of a cushy country like the U.S. where about half refuse to participate in their own political process, leaving it skewing to the old, the hateful, the racist.

Trump is a tool. If I was ISIS, I would pull out all the stops to stage a mass attack here during Trump’s term. No worries about ISIS supplying the weapons, as they have been pre-delivered across all fifty states. Just get 10-20 trained ISIS terrorists here. Each terrorist buys an AR-15 by himself. No two terrorists go to the same gun source. Groups of 5 stage suicide attacks in NYC and/or DC, LA for maximum carnage. Trump would use such an attack to round up all Muslims or at least register them as a prelude to internment camps. The terrorists will have succeeded in destroying our freedoms.

Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis.

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That’s probably what will cause his downfall. In that past folks like Sessions have had initial success and then failed when there no line of bullshit that could see folks from seeing what they were up to. I think we should look at the future as it’s likely to be. No matter what Trump does there’s almost no chance he’ll be a popular president. He’ll start out in the low 50’s and be in the 40’s before a year has passed. ( he’s already reneging on his signature issues during the campaign ) That’ll put the kibosh on most of what he wants to do. Sessions and the other assholes he appoints will be playing on that field.

Why Jeff Sessions As Attorney General Horrifies Voting Rights Advocates

Because he’s a racist white guy like Donald and all his other staff picks?

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People like Donald Trump always find willing stooges to do their dirty work. Sessions saw his moment in history and is goose stepping his way into the justice department. Voting rights are clearly in his sights and he will do everything in his power to take us back to 1950. What will lead to his and Trumps downfall will be the efforts to prosecute Hillary Clinton on everything from Benghazi, the Clinton foundation and of course servergate. He will leave no stone unturned and rush into judgement the fallout will cost him his job.

A little more background on this racist midget!

This week in the war on voting: Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

Same here. Don’t know what the second pic is, but I can’t look at Sessions without seeing Henry Gibson of Laugh-In days. This poem is eerily appropriate today.

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It is Henry Gibson. Tiowally was kind enough to hazard a guess at post #20, and Ira’sdad sent me a message with the picture. I just can’t figure out how to cut and paste it from the message. And yes, the resemblance is amazing.

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