When a large group of well dressed twenty somethings raised in private schools leaves a private party at a local restaurant and on their way to their cars, attacks and hospitalizes a gay couple there is clearly hate in Philly for gay people. In my city muggings are committed by the poor and desperate for money. This "gang’ was neither, although they stole their victims bag, I guess just to add insult to injury.
Why hasn’t Rick Santorum, as an antigay white Catholic Pennsylvanian politician, come forward to disavow these people?
Anyone who over plucks her eyebrows that much must really hate themselves. #mustpleasedaddy
Drunk jerks from the suburbs. Nothing really new here, folks.
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They weren’t from Philly. They’re from Bucks County, a wealthier, whiter area well to the north of the city.
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They aren’t from Philly. They’re from Bucks County, which doesn’t even border on the city.
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True they’re not from Philly. But Bucks County does border Philadelphia. Ask anyone from Bensalem.