Only because the nuclear football’s been swapped out for a Tonka truck.
More from the narcissistic tank factory fiasco.
(at least the Dems are blasting him)
Trump mocked Dukakis’ infamous 1988 tank photo-call during his visit to an Ohio army tank plant, saying the former Democratic nominee ‘‘tanked when he got into the tank.’’ Observers thought Dukakis’ comical appearance contributed to his defeat by George H.W. Bush. But Dukakis has issued a cutting response, telling the Boston Globe: “I call Trump these days the draft-dodger-in-chief. While thousands of young Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam, he was doing everything he could not to serve. Like thousands of young Americans, I served in the military, 16 months of which were seven miles from the DMZ in Korea.” Dukakis, now a professor at Northeastern University, went on: “His attacks on John McCain are disgusting … John McCain served his country nobly and well. He spent five years in a cage in Vietnam. And Trump’s continued attacks on him are just another example of someone who has no sense of honor, no sense of integrity, and is absolutely gutless.”
Thank goodness. And he has no clue anyhow.
As Mr. Noah said, trump is fighting a losing battle- with a dead man.
Usually, dead men don’t talk, but Trump has played this so wrong.
McCain is speaking from the dead through the living, and laughing.
Do you think, like Nixon, Trump is roaming the halls of the White House at night talking to various portraits who all look like McCain? And, apparently Trump never acquired the taste for wine that Nixon had.
Because you helped put him in this position.
Why? Because you just wrote an article about nothing important rather than the dozen other articles on important things you could have written. Congratulations you just got played by Trump again.
Presumably, if incorrectly, Trump must think a feud with a dead guy is one he might win - as oppossed to losing yet another public battle to Nancy Pelosi.
Absolutely agree with that.
Let me see, he had his biggest Twitter meltdown on Saturday followed by McCain attacks yesterday and today Jared Kushner’s father wrote and op-ed for the WaPo defending his family’s business. I’m hoping I get to change my avatar to a Jared mugshot this Friday!!!
Trump is doing this because he has a SHITHOLE brain !
If these aides spent less time competing to see who can stick their nose furthest up Trump’s ass, there wouldn’t be a reason to ask such a silly question.
I demur. Nothing he has done since being elected has surprised me (with the single exception of umbrellagate, which was just unfathomable). Appalled, yes, but not surprised.
Love it!
OK, white house staffer - what has been a great use of your time?
the continual whining about presidential harrasment?
the pushing for a border wall that won’t work?
bringing up the crowd size at his inauguration?
Trump is Macbeth and McCain is Duncan(the dead king of the GOP)
Why are you doing this? Because your boss is a thin-skinned, mean-spirited asshole
And has always been, and everyone knows it!
And goddamn, what the fuck is wrong with people that even now, even fucking now, no matter how obvious he makes it and how many people explain it, they just can’t accept this simple truth? It’s like they think it’s some kind of trap or they just recoil in horror from the logical endpoint of accepting it or they think is is somehow exculpatory.
no clowns make people happy