Discussion: Who Is The Mysterious Lawyer Behind California's 'Kill All Gays' Drive?

Discussion for article #234692

And yet , no LGBT have been killed by God Himself/Herself which proves that God loves everyone .


This kind of stunt might jeopardize all the goodwill lawyers have established with the public.


New designer on staff TPM?
A bit literal with the attending imagery-- no?



Who is he? He’s Jihadist for Jesus. He’s a proud member of the American Tealiban. He’s a Christo-fascist sharia law loving terrorist, as sure as any member of Da’esh.

And there’s a better-than-even chance he’s a self-loathing closeted gay man whose father tried to beat it out of him at a young age.


To me, it proves that the cult justifying this man’s hatred is Iron Age superstitious nonsense.


Are we sure this isn’t an alias of Scott Lively?
So in 2015 any type of rhetoric - including calling for murder - is allowed against gay people. It’s grotesque. And Harris better make it go away.


Whilst utterly reprehensible, part of me wants it to go forward. Collect the thousand or so signatures he might get. Then file a FOIA request to get them made public. Let’s see these creatures squirm in the light of the sun.


Is that like a threat? Like, if the way this goofy works makes ‘making it go away’ impossible, she’s toast, same as anyone unable to do the impossible? '‘This thing I do not like, make it go away, even tho you lack the authority to do that, and if – well, WHEN you fail, oh oh: woe betide you.’

What has happened here is that the lawyer who submitted this for petition permission has read the law and framed his initiative in a way that makes it impossible for the state AG to kill it solely on the authority the law provides her office. ‘She’ CAN NOT ‘make it go away’. She CAN submit to the SC of California questions concerning the constitutionality of the CONSEQUENCES of the law envisioned by the initiative if it were to pass, which calls up the state SC to use ITS proper and possibly sufficient authority, not her office’s insufficient authority. And that does, in fact, appear to be what she’s going to do.

Just stop with the ominous sounding meaningless threats, will you?


Sounds as if McLaughlin is someone who doesn’t just have issues - he’s got a subscription.


If nothing else, he could work for Phil Robertson.

The other initiative McLaughlin has attempted, which failed, was a proposal to make the Bible a required text in public schools.

"Even if you don't believe its teachings, you'll agree that it includes rich usage of the English language," he told the LA Times in a 2004 interview.

Because, as everyone knows, the Bible was originally written in English and only later translated into Hebrew and Greek.


Why not offer up a ballot initiative to make Orange County party of Arizona? Name it “Arpaio” county. California would rid itself of that pusswart’ of a county and its residents …and Arizona residents would have somewhere like minded to go to get out of the heat. Win-Win!


I dunno. Exposing Phil Robertson - in light of his recent comments on atheism - to the fact that Christians are capable of horrendous violence and hate might break his little brain.


When/If AG Kamala Harris is forced to put it on the ballot, she should use either comic sans or Goofy cool font.


Despite its status a pre-eminent progressive state, this is a sordid reminder of California history and its status as the home state of misguided, hateful folk like Ronald Reagan (who kicked off his Presidential race in Philadelphia, MS with a dog whistle speech), Pete Wilson (who tried to deny emergency, trauma and delivery room services to immigrants) and Bob Dornan.


Someone asked if Republicans and Conservatives can get any worse? …Ummm…Hell YES they can. The crazy right wingnuttery of the GOP and the Bagger TEAlibangelical Cons are the ISIS of American politics. Perhaps CRISIS is a better term for them: Christian State in Am’s Interior & South.

And when these extreme Rightie loons lose big time in 2016, they will only get worse. We will soon get our preview when the Republican clown and freak show, AKA: the Presidential Debates, begin.


Am I the only one who thinks this is a ploy to ridicule Christian conservatives?


Wonder if McLoughlin has noticed that the CA state flag has a ‘bear’ on it? Just sayin! In response to the homophobic dooche’, I wish voters in CA would replace it with Rainbow Care Bear.



I think the Republican Party found it’s answer to Hillary!!

This guy would cruise through the GOP primary.