Discussion: Who Is Michele Fiore? The Nevada Assemblywoman Negotiating With Oregon Occupiers

Discussion for article #245881

Gravity waves confirmed and this lady being a “voice of reason.” I’d have to say it’s a banner day for relativity.


Yep, ole Michele did great. She lured Cliven Bundy to Portland, where he was arrested. She sweet-talked 3 out of 4 of the dead-enders into surrendering. She was of no use with the fourth, but 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!

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Perhaps she will learn the lesson I tried to teach my middle school students during my teaching career: you don’t have to act the fool to get attention; you can get it for doing well, too.


Gravity will soon become her worst enemy and there’s absolutely nothing she can do about!


When Billy Graham the Younger sees those puppies, he will undoubtedly want to have a Laying On Of The Hands Ceremony.


Seriously TPM…voice of reason?Amongst the lunatic fringe of which she partakes?You give her far too much credit.Personally I could have cared less if those bastards dropped dead.All they’re doing now is costing the tax payers,which they owe in a big way,more money.


…And time to arrest her for incitement to rebellion.

If it wasn’t for people like her, Fox News, Talk Radio, etc., there would never have been a standoff.


Seriously? It was in spite of her, not because of her, that the sad mentally ill clown didn’t shoot himself. I listened to the whole thing live. Constant seditious grandstanding and flow of conspiracist talking points in an effort to elevate her own public profile. Pretend suicide counseling in the service of her own self. If she would just have shut up Franklin Graham would have talked that guy out of there two hours sooner.


Call me a skeptic … but I wouldn’t have trusted her —

Just way too many places on that girl to hide things —

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Voice of REASON? She kept spouting bible verses and asking for him to pray. She was the Voice of Irrationality, but at least she knew what kind of irrationality would reach him, in his schizophrenic state. What does that say about HER?


NRA: Guns finally saved someone without anyone getting hurt. We win.


In another 5 years do we find out she was actually a performance artist?


Are you kidding me? Did you even listen to during that hours long feed beginning yesterday? She’s nothing more than an enabler who got the hell scared out of her when she realized she could probably be charged with something. She’s a wretch and an embarrassment, and was most definitely NOT the voice of reason.


Agree completely. Ms. Fiord has been egging the Cliven coven on for months, encouraging them not just in taking the law in their own hands, but in exercising their “second amend rights” to shoot law enforcement.

IMO she got involved in the end to avoid be indicted as a co-conspirator.


Lush blonde hair? Are you serious? First of all, that is one gag worthy piece of fawning. Second of all, as someone who’s had her fair share of trips to the salon, I can tell you that there is nothing real about her hair color any more than it’s real that she was the voice of reason. She was the voice of Oh-Shit-I’m-In-Over-My-Head.

ETA, All of that being said, I am glad that no one died and I think the person who should be getting more of the credit here is the FBI negotiator that Fiore spent a lot of time impugning last night.


One person’s voice of reason is another person’s misguided, attention starved politician.


So you would have preferred a shootout that also would have more than likely resulted in dead LEO’s too? Sorry, I’m not seeing that viewpoint as “reasonable”.


Although it might get the wingnut militia thinking on which side she really is…

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You mean a Rat?