the ladies …and the pols…already know the answer to that.
HER side…
the ladies …and the pols…already know the answer to that.
HER side…
“I can’t have you dying because I haven’t had a chance to hug you,”
Okay, I’m glad they’re all out alive, and credit where due. But I would call that tactile negotiation.
Wow, is this some shit.
That woman gets NO credit for being a “voice of reason”. She’s been egging these fools on for months. She’s made no secret of her anti-government sentiments and beliefs (despite the fact she IS the government). She’s made veiled threats against the President. She soothed crazy with crazy, that is all, and let’s be clear who she really did it for: wasn’t for them.
She also told these people to ignore the FBI. That’s reasonable?? What a load of craptastic nonsense and space filler this is and it’s pretty clear you listened to none of last night’s events.
You think the FBI wasn’t listening to everything she said, and doesn’t have a nice fat dossier on all of her online anti-government and anti-law enforcement rants? Sister woman was saving her own ass here.
Isn’t she the same one that tweeted that the FBI executed Finicum while he was on his knees with his hands up and supported the sovereign citizen take over from the start.
Yea, even an idiot is right sometimes. Would call that a ‘voice of reason’ though.
She’s no voice of reason. Like any good pol, she knows which way the wind is blowing. At Malheur, the FBI had clearly taken charge of wind direction.
Yup, that was her.
Wow! Michele Fiore is … “the voice of reason”?? ___ And she has a cure for cancer as well. Whatta’ gal.
(She did actually say this!)
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the next Vice-Presidental Candidate for the GOP!! She give special thanks to her mentor and soul-mate Sarah Palin.
Just remember, a broken atomic clock is right at least once in the entire span of existence.
I swear if Michele Fiore were locked in a burning building and the doors weren’t labeled “Push” or “Pull” she would never get out. That’s how stupid she is!
I’m not holding my breath.
The Washington Post quotes her as saying “We’re putting our big-girl panties on now, and we are taking America back.”
Michelle Fiore for GOP VEEP! She’d be great as a Sarah Palin stand in!! Good looks! No brains!! Female!!! Good looks!!! No brains!!! PERFECT. Trump/Fiore!!!
Fiore and her family on the way to Malheur to save the day! She and the rest should all be tossed into the booby hatch for being a bunch of crazy tits that knockered off from reality and will not be able to suckle back into sanity from the bosom of insurrection…wait, wait…why am I being such a boob when discussing this ? It’s all such an udder bust! But I had to get it off my chest… And I’ll stay abreast of the situation__arrrgghhh! I can’t help it!
Obviously, if you fail at Stripper School, the Nevada State Assembly is still available.
Yep. She was acting out of self-preservation. And who knows? the FBI may have threatened her about being an accessory.
One idiot talking to a gang of others.
Michele being helpful.
She was holding his AR15 for him. It’s in there somewhere.
Next, she’ll tell him how to get from Nevada to Oregon by motor boating.
Triple D is not only her bra size, but also her grades in American History, Civics and Posture.
Credit where credit is due. This vile woman knew how to speak their language: the language of “bat-shit crazy.” And it worked.
Psychotics tending to act out violently are best handled by winning their trust if at all possible. I’m just glad we didn’t create any more martyrs.
Maybe they still have time to charge her with something.
Fiore is one of the ringleaders here.
Sure, she may have helped talk the loons down off the ledge, but she is one of the people who talked them up on that ledge to begin with.
Now, if they could figure out a way to flush the body with those chem trails - there’s an idea. .