We can be pretty sure this person’s last name is Trump. Take your pick.
This bad hombre?
Who Directed ‘Senior’ Trump Campaign Official To Contact Stone About WikiLeaks?
Why, Obama, of course!
The only walls tRump will get are those closingin on him now.
It sounds like Trump told Bannon to contact Stone. This is a major twofer at least if that is the case and Mueller obviously knows who was involved. Oboyoboyoboy.
White House Releases Rare Pic Of President Trump Without Thumb Up His Fat Ass - AP
Stone? Don’t know him at all. Bannon? He got me coffee a couple of times. Forgot the cream once and we fired him. Kuckner? Kushman? Who’s that?
Gee, I guess Roger must have rubbed that Magic Lamp.
While I’m happy to jump on the Trump bandwagon here, I’m wondering if Manafort is a possibility, since he and Stone go back even further.
Mueller man, he’s badass. He indicts one person and points to another in the charging documents. Psyops, man, he’s a master. Like the detective in Crime and Punishment, he turns your own mind into a weapon against you.
Somehow I have a feeling that Bobby Three Sticks already knows the answer to this question.
Kushner or Bannon directed by Trump. My bet is on Bannon.
HRC’s reaction in real time would have been fun to see.
OF COURSE!!! How could I have forgotten that?!?!?
You know, with these assclowns it might just get THAT cray cray.
Hillary directed Bannon to do it.
She sent the directions via e-mail.