Sorry but I don’t believe one word she says. I believe she did what she was accused of doing and just never thought she would be outed.
She is the poster child of white privilege.
Sorry but I don’t believe one word she says. I believe she did what she was accused of doing and just never thought she would be outed.
She is the poster child of white privilege.
Although my relatives in Newport Beach wish he was their rep.
In that video, I see a black woman and a white woman fighting, with the black woman perhaps more aggressive than the white. I see another white woman and two black men pulling them apart, with the black woman apparently wanting to continue the fight. It seems consistent with Tracey Carver’s statement that she “walked out to defuse the fight”.
I was trying to make a statement, and fumbled it, about this woman being welcomed in a part of California (and I live in San Francisco BTW) where her intolerance could thrive. But I see from Googling that the demographics of OC have changed drastically, and it’s all for the better.
I understand, that is why I mentioned the demographics, there is a misconception that Orange County is all white, which hasn’t been true for awhile.
My wife is Latina, and our two boys are obviously mixed ethnicity, so I will of course agree that it is for the better.
25% of all marriages in California are now interracial. I am hopeful that will be the ultimate solution to our racial problems. Solved by marriage and new group of people who put to rest the idea of “Race” which doesn’t actually exist, except as a social construct.
Their Representative is Dana Rohrabacher, so if they like Issa, they should be thrilled with Rohrabacher.
This is a difficult thing to parse unless you consider the woman is lying her ass off. Then it becomes easy to understand.
Ill Bet I know know how Mr. Occam would call this one.
Please give your testimony in a sworn deposition, dearie. Maybe then I’d believe it.
Saw a new one today, that totally wasn’t “racist”. Black Girl Scouts in Maryland being yelled at to go back to Baltimore. Charming.
Their scout leader called out the offenders, but it is disheartening.
Another standard trope I’ve seen trotted out by these folks who get caught being racist jackholes.
“Oh, I have to flee to [insert state/city/county here] because I feared for my life”…sounds so familiar…
Darren Wilson:
Michael Slager:
Jon Ritzheimer:
So bloody predictable…
I beg to differ. What white woman do you see there hitting a black girl on the head 3-4 times? And 5 kids, 3 white and 2 black tell identical statements to the McKinney police and to the media. And your lil white girl fails to mention why it all got started, fails to mention Sean Toons and his wife insulting those kids, fails to mention why kids would block this woman and her child from leaving the pool area. And if what she says is true, why did she not stick around and make a statement to the police? Why hasnt anyone who started this mess asked for charges to be filed against these kids who “assaulted” her? You got weak sauce on your chin there…lol
She lawyered up and is spending for the best bullshit defense that she can buy. Just because all of the witnesses and the girls that were actually attacked tell the complete opposite story, why isn’t her cooked up story plausible?
She’s lying, she’s a hater and a racist beeyotch, she’s jobless, deserves to be and she’s wasting her money. The world has met Tracy Carver and after first impressions, she has been found wanting.
THIS is the best story she could come up with after all this time?
I live in OC and I do not want her anywhere near us. There are enough wing nuts here as it is. Issa mainly represents San Diego, with a few far south county cities thrown in.
I’m just talking about this video. It looks to me like one white woman is being attacked, and the other white woman is trying to help her ward off the blows. If the black woman were under attack, the black men would have stepped forward to protect her. Instead, they’re pulling her back, and she resists their pull.
This is why most European courts do not use eyewitness testimony. No two people see the same thing. I see a white woman beating a black girl and you dont. You see a white woman trying to separate these two and for some reason do not acknowledge the whacks from Lil Miss Privilege being laid on the head of a disrespectful mouthy black kid. Hey, whatever helps you through the night…Cheers!
Bingo! Stupid enough to have an extraordinarily narrow view of what a racial slur is, but not so stupid that she understands racial slurs are bad. I doubt she ever had a parent who called her on her lack of empathy, and she will probably never question her own kids with the default question “How would YOU feel if someone said that to YOU”?
Historians and the nation will be indebted to Obama for a lot of things. Yet the benefits of Obama care, preventing financial meltdown, and no unnecessary wars may be surpassed by the fact that Obama and Eric Holder got Americans talking about this elephant that has been in the room for centuries. All lives matter, and no longer will those in authority have free rein to treat minority races differently from how they’d treat whites under similar circumstances. Hopefully there will be accountability at least in many cases now and in the future that has been lacking in the past.