“A teen yelled racial slurs at one of Carver’s friends, claiming that the pool was public, according to Carver.”
What racial slur do you yell at White Women?
“Hey Whitey”? (oooooo that burns.)
“Cracker?” (tend to only hear that one in southeast)
“Honkey?” (have not heard that one since 1979)
“Ma’am?” (definitely racist.)
It’s the new fad among bigots and racist to feign innocence just because they didn’t say ‘nigger’, I’m actually calling it the ‘But I didn’t say nigger’ defense. This is the same thing that principle did who said ’ it’s all the black people who’s leaving’ at the graduation. She also said she wasn’t racist because she didn’t say any racist names.
I’ve always believed that it was wrong for anyone to use that particular word because it is supposed to be offensive.
I’ve taken offense at trans people using anti-trans slurs and saying “but it’s okay because ‘I’m reclaiming the word’”. To me, if it’s offensive, it’s offensive. I know a lot of people in various minority groups who agree.
It’s actually why I don’t get upset when I see people use the term “queer”. I use it, and the last time someone tried to use it as a slur against me, I laughed at them. They didn’t like that.
Does it even matter whom started the fight – does not excuse the fact that the policeman escalated it and used excessive force on a young girl who was not posing a threat.
I am skeptical of anyone who waits about 2 weeks and uses a famous well known attorney in another state to come out and give their “side” of events. I also find it hard to believe that many who heard her comments are wrong and she is telling the truth. And least anyone forget, the person who did call the police has an extensive rap sheet and the other woman who is involved along with Sean Toons are not “saints” to quote Meygn Kelly. And just so we are clear, it was white children who also heard the racist comments. But in her defense, telling black teenagers that they need to go back to “section 8 housing” and “get used to looking through bars because that is your future” is most likely not a racist comment to her. And Gloria Allard seems to always show up in the wrong side, all the while claiming “to seek justice” .
The majority of Issa’s district is in San Diego County. I live in Orange County, I don’t know anybody that considers him as running the county.
Only the very Southern tip is his district, San Clemente, Dana Point, and San Juan Capistrano are in his district.
Orange County is Majority Minority at this point, only 44% white. I live in La Habra, my neighborhood is probably 60% Hispanic.
Not a lot of African Americans, although my next door neighbor is a black family. But lots of Hispanics and Asians.
A far cry from “The OC” that I grew up in…
"It was nearly impossible to exit the gate because it was lined 3 rows deep with dozens of what appeared to be disrespectful, unruly and violent teens and young adults
Appeared to be violent?
They proved not to be violent (the one little fight didn’t spread, and no others were reported), so there must have been something about their appearance that made her nervous.
Simply not credible.
Now we’re the “victim.” Check in with Rachel for tips on that strategy, honey. You slapped a child. You should be in jail for assault.
there are gaps in her story that equal the gaps in her head … not the brightest is she?!
And Gloria doesn’t come cheap … I wonder who is bankrolling this.
By this time, she may even believe this is true. Everybody is the hero of their own story, and when they’ve behaved shamefully, most people’s brains will make whatever edits are necessary to make them either the hero or the victim.
Cow sez what?
I believe her. She merely whistled at a high frequency, not audible by human beings.
Simple. Not credible.
Can’t wait for the explanation about the Ohio pool incident where the police broke the girl’s jaw slamming her against the police car and the mayor has backed the actions of the police even after watching the video.
Yes, there’s no situation so bad that she can’t make it worse just by showing up. Sort of like Casebolt.
Hey when you work for a company called “Corelogic” the rest is simple. lol
run run little white girl, call gloria and be the victim. Always works out for the cops 99 % of the time.
“Now that I’ve had a chance to meet with lawyers, publicists, and professional spin doctors … here’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”
She’s afraid we’ll forget about her if she doesn’t keep showing up like that.
It’s the one thing she gets right.