Discussion: White House Won't Rule Out Possibility Of Blocking Mueller Testimony

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There is no way he testifies. No way.

The president and the DOJ will fight far harder against it than the Democratic leadership will fight for it. There may be some “negotiations” and certainly a few strongly worded letters. And lots and lots and lots of fundraising emails. But that’s pretty much what we’ll get.

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"the reason is because we consider this as a case closed as a finished process.”

Educate me: Why does the WH have a say about it?


Golly. So that’s where the slip cover to my love seat that I donated to Goodwill ended up.


gee, I thought Trump was exonerated. Why wouldn’t he want Mueller amplifying that message? You know, no collusion, no obstruction…


Mueller’s appointment ends in less than a month whereupon he’s a private citizen. He will testify.

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This White House also tried to stop Sally Yates from testifying. She testified regardless.


It is just the way we (they) want it, and we (they) don’t want any changes, particularly since any reasonable changes will move it further away from “complete exoneration” and more towards what it really is.


If Mueller can’t testify, then he should go on Sixty Minutes - - for the whole hour. Maybe he should go on Sixty Minutes before the White House gets a chance to ban him from testifying. If I were at CBS I would make that argument to him right now.


It’s a Zen thing.

You wouldn’t understand.


There is no way they can stop Mueller from testifying. Absolutely no way. They don’t control Congress and they don’t control Mueller.


Moreover, the SC can resign effective immediately any time he wants. Hey soon as he does he’s a private citizen and there is nothing the White House can do to stop him from testIfying.


or then…its on to the WASHINGTON POST………WOODWARD etal are standing by…

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Even the Tumpanistas I know are scratching their heads about this “Scorched Earth” response to questions about the Mueller Report and Congressional Subpoenas.

They are starting to get nervous and one of them wondered out loud to me; “Why, since Trump is innocent of any crimes is he refusing to let Mueller testify to that effect and fully exonerate him in public?!?!?”

The cracks in the Wall of Red Hats are starting to spread and Trump is getting increasingly desperate to shore it up with his Bull Shit.


So, what is the mechanism to prevent him from testifying, assuming they go there?

If Mueller is still employed or attached (whatever) to the Justice Department as special council, I can see an order from Barr stopping him temporarily.

After he leaves that office as a private citizen, the only leverage the WH would have is a blanket claim of executive privilege, with a court-ordered block on the appearance (assuming a judge agreed), as first step of a long legal process. What else am I missing here, in ways they could stop him if he wanted to testify?

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“Executive privilege.”


Former employees can be enjoined not to testify.

The injunction would have to be sought from, and approved by, a court.

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You’re a defeatist. The Rs are counting on that trait in some Democrats. Mueller was clearly angry at the Barr “report”, it was a mockery of 22 months worth of work that went into it. That alone will sustain him and cause him to willingly appear.


So much obstruction . . . . .


I’m good with the WH “blanket claim of executive privilege” covering everything Trump said in his extensive interviews with Mueller.