“I think that people who are choosing to play partisan politics with this should be ashamed of themselves . . . .”
Trump and his mis-administration acting like victims, yet again.
Given Spicer’s consistent reputation for honesty and straight-shooting, I’m convinced by this.
we know he was straight because he 's not gay…
not that there’s anything wrong with that…
except in Russia
Audacity, stupidity and a dash of desperation make for a really toxic cocktail.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) also said there was no evidence that Sessions lied under oath.
“We really don’t know what the facts are,” he said.
Maybe Cormyn should see the video himself, I am pretty sure he is in it…
To these “Party before Country” jag-offs, telling a bald face lie and being “100 percent straight” are the same thing.
That’s “mal” not “mis.”
A difference in prefixes that makes the distinction between the words they are attached to legally significant in almost every case.
We know what the facts are - we’ve all seen the videotape.
should be ashamed
As usual, a Trump denial is a confirmation…
Ahem… suffix? Quo Nitpicketiat Nitpicker?!
“We really don’t know what the facts are,” he said."
Fact 1- Sessions swore under oath to the tell the truth under penalty of perjury.
Fact 2- Sessions denied having “communications with Russians” during the campaign.
Fact 3- Sessions twice communicated with the Russian ambassador during the campaign.
Fact 3- Sessions committed perjury.
100% Straight?
On the scale of “straight”, I put Sessions into the coprophilous beastiality category…
One edit and I’ll have no idea what you’re even talking about.
Melissa M: Sessions is just not Gay. He is straight.
“100% straight with the Senate committee”
Haha…they’re in overreach mode already, which is a giant tell that they know they’re in deep shit.
I really think Congress should display a greater concern for the company some in the Trump administration are keeping.
What a surprise - the White House runs right out and digs their heels in.
Perfect illustration of all Trump’s failures: Don’t think - double down. Never admit wrongdoing. Never admit defeat.
It’s working so well for him so far…
Again with the reporting of the act being blamed…The fact that the WH runs to Fox to claim this is a sign that their trying to find a message that gets traction…but ONLY among the loyal…
“100% not guilty, your honor.”
-OJ Simpson