Stop requesting.
Start subpoenaing and holding people in contempt that don’t comply.
Well, color me shocked and surprised to hear this.
There’s a tiny spot on you that isn’t already colored shocked and surprised?!
Couldn’t agree more.
My blood started to boil last night when Rachel was recounting the Watergate investigation and she described how the Committee stated: You have been subpoenaed if you don’t show up you are going to be arrested!
Now we have a DOJ that is run by a Trump Toadie who will never enforce the rule of law.
Fuck Trump
The impeachment needs to start with Barr
Roy Cohn giving us the middle finger from his grave.
Trump’s constant ‘middle-school drama’ behavior is something he learned from Roy Cohn
“So the Cohen’s playbook, deny, delay, counter-attack and shamelessness as a weapon. Here we are 50 years later, we see a lot of Roy Cohn in Donald Trump.”
It was minute but it was there…
this crap of stiffing congress and in effect placing the executive branch above the law needs to be fast tracked to SCOTUS. if the roberts court is going to thumbs up the shredding of the constitution at the behest of the fascistgop, then get it over with so we the people can proceed with an appropriate and necessary response, both at the polls and in the streets.
Gotta request before you can subpoena. Will be interesting to see what happens with the current subpoenas that are being ignored.
Perhaps Cummings should have added to the request: Herr Miller, you have won a free, signed copy of Mein Kampf. Pick it up at our House.
Cummings also demanded Miller bring his notes, which elicited guffaws all around in the Oval Office.
request, subpoena, arrest, repeat.
We’ll have you arrested!! Sometime next week!! Really, we’ll do it!! Uh huh, we will!!. Or maybe in two weeks!! You just wait and see!! June 1st work for you? Just get back with us, ok? Please?
April refusals bring May subpoenas. Or even late April. Or even yesterday.
that was freaking brilliant.
Ruben Bolling never disappoints. Always cuts through the bullshit with his parables
Subpeona, contempt, jail time. Rinse, repeat.