Discussion: White House Rejects House Dems' Request For Stephen Miller To Testify

“Additionally,” Cipollone continued, “this is a particularly inconvenient time for Miller to testify due to his bi-yearly molt. It will be weeks, at the very least, before his new skin has hardened enough to withstand direct sunlight or harsh lighting without causing him long-lasting physical harm.”


Really? I’m on my fifth coat of shocked and surprised coloring. You’ve got to tell me who your supplier is.




I would pay money to see Congress dismantle this asshole.


Right now you’re paying to not see him dismantled.


So, still doomed this morning are we?


I’ve looked at this state of affairs from all sides, and I think we’re all going to die.



Miller is another one that can’t claim executive privilege even if he wants to in order to avoid testifying before Congress. He waived that privilege (providing it was ever considered) when he talked to Mueller in an open investigation that would eventually be made available to the public, and one in which the American people paid for with our tax dollars to expose the truth. So good luck, you little bigot, trying to escape this one. You can run but you can’t hide…You will eventually be exposed for the shitweasel that you are.


Donald is forcing their hand, the only remedy is to impeach. Remember the three articles of impeachment against Nixon were obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and refusal to comply with subpoenas (contempt of Congress). There is no question that these all fit with Donald’s behavior as well. Democrats should frame it as such.


I’d be a little cautious with that. Mueller interviewed Miller about Russians not immigrants. If Mueller’s interviews touched on immigration policy then yes his protection under Executive Privilege is not in force.


Yup, it kind of looks obvious that donald wants to force an impeachment battle. Their calculus is that it will raise his sagging poll numbers. Seems that at this point opening impeachment is inevitable…however, also seems that the mood of the country has shifted…even in the month or so since Mueller report was complete and the weeks since redacted came out.

Seems more and more Republicans or is it conservatives or whatever they are called are voicing public opposition
Bill Weld
George Conway
making the talk show circuit now is J.W Varret

This may snowball in a way that donald doesn’t like.

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If there’s one person deserving of pancreatic cancer, it’s Stephen Miller.

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It’s Sheldon Adelson’s twin brother!

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There needs to be a bubble coming from Callahan’s head that says “Hodor!”

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I think the WH strategy is now laid bare. The WH will stonewall everything, as long as they can get away with it, and laugh at the powerless Dems.

Solution: hardball. Request, subpoena, arrest, imprison. Quickly and without exception. It’s the only thing that will break the logjam.

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You say that like it’s a bad thing…


Aside from the obvious reasons nazi turd should be compelled to testify, we really need to stick this pos in front of a camera for an extended period of time. It’s the quickest way to get rid of him or at least cripple his influence. Fascist orange won’t be able to handle all the viral clips of nazi turd being his nazi turd self.

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And TPM should stop playing along with the White House’s framing of this as being merely partisan. This article’s headline should be amended as follows.

White House Rejects House Dems’ Oversight Committee’s Request For Stephen Miller To Testify

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I hear Paulie M’s got a python-skin jacket somewhere. Might come in handy…

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