So @irasdad, tell me, just how rapid was the Rapid Response Director’s Departure?
“The White House’s rapid response director left his job on Monday…”
Sarah Huckabee Sanders later confirmed the position would be replaced by a “Rabid Response Director”.
Wow. Bannon definitely was the Slothful Response Director (Also the Greedy Response Director) so there’s nothing but Job Opportunities on Pennsylvania Avenue.
LOL! That was …!
ETA: Sarah definitely has something rabid going on. Personality comes to mind.
"…The President railed against the press as “fake news”.
Fake news? Why, yes. It’s ALL fake news.
Unless it’s GOOD. Then it’s real.
Like employment reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics… If they say jobs were created under Obama, they’re FAKE.
If Trump "created the jobs?
And beautiful jobs too. So beautiful.
Hemming was responsible for seeking positive news stories to promote Trump’s administration even as the President railed against the press as “fake news.”
Man With Impossible Job Quits.
You know, for all the talk of Trump’s tweeting it’s important to remember that it takes him ten to twenty minutes between tweets.* It’s not all that rapid.
*With the exception of his futile effort to correct typos. Those come in hot and fast.
If there’s a PR heaven, you know they, they’ve got the biggest, most very, very beautiful Press office you’ve ever seen.
And who’s at the podium…
You know, HE’S up there:
Sarah does know rabid. From early childhood on she learned which parts of daddy’s crock-pot possum stew best to leave untouched.
More vapid than a speeding pullet.
Able to leak tall stories in a single self-serving bound…
Rapid Response Director?! What the hell is that! Sounds like a job that belongs in FEMA.
Being Tramp’s rapid response director is the 2nd most futile job in America. The 1st is being Chris Christie’s Lap-band…
Better than being Christies lap dog…
Christie is Tramp’s lap dog.
Fetch, Christie, fetch!
Clearly it’s not dinner time where you are. But you just put my sun over the yard-arm…
The moment when 3 different versions of the same tweet were on his thread together was precious, like a snapshot of some harried, inept golfer’s balls left on the ground after series of mulligans.
FEMA: It’s not just a heckuva job,
It’s a misadventure.