It always too soon with these heartless assholes.
At least 58 people died when a man shot out of his 32-floor hotel window…
That is one big window.
His brother said he wasn’t a gun nut – I’m calling “BULL-SH!T” on that one.
tx! fixed.
Wow, I did NOT see that one coming.
"They [Chicago] have the strictest gun laws in the country, that certainly hasn’t helped there,” she said.
Yeah, because, as strict as they might be, they are still far too lax!
More devoid of illumination and less intelligent than an abyssal sea floor filter feeder.
Well, we haven’t yet approached “the time” to talk about hurricanes and climate change, without being, you know, CRASS … as this WH is anything but crass. So I’m figuring at least 3 1/2 more years until a Democrat is in the WH and a certain party will be screaming about everything.
Sanders said that “there’s a time and place for a political debate, but now is the time to unite as a country.”
Oh Scarus, it’s not a political debate unless you make it one. People are dying every single day because of lax gun laws. Why that doesn’t “unite us” is beyond me!
When will we be mature enough to discuss Gun Control?
White House just had a moment of silence. Forgive me if I don’t get why 2:41 PM EST is significant right now to hold this moment of silence. Seems odd timing while people are still dying and being in the early stages of being hospitalized. Sort of like they’re doing this bizarre look-see, we’re doing something by walking out and walking in…we’re just not willing to talk about senseless gun violence and what specifically we can or should do about it. That is always too premature a discussion to be having no matter how long anyone waits.
Why is it when politicians don’t know how to respond they often say, “all options are on the table”, but when it comes to Republicans and guns, all options are never on the table, since the main thing they will not do is regulate guns in any fucking way.
It’s like they’re charter members of The Society to Maintain a Violent and Undisciplined America.
It is not premature. IT IS PAST TIME, YOU FUCKWADS!!!
If you’re playing the conservative-mouthpiece-mentions-Chicago drinking game, you’re long since dead.
How f’ed up are these 2nd Amendment people? Gun manufacturer stock is booming today.
Well, one thing’s for sure: if you ever see this googly-eyed harridan holding a gun, get the fuck away from her as swiftly as possible. You never know which direction she’ll “aim.”
Not only are they terrible people, they have a terrible acronym.
All the “good guys” are buying guns.
They buy the guns in the suburbs and Indiana.