Discussion for article #234529
cause republicons are looking out for seniors and the disabled’s best intrest…hahahahahaah I couldnt get tru that with out LMFAO
Starting point for the democrats on Social Security should be eliminating the limit on income to be taxed. Then when the republican’s scream, and Fox News hosts heads explode, be “reasonable” and accept a limit of say $2M or even $1.5M in income to be taxed.
Get a grip and start being hard asses towards the Republican’s - especially the TeaParty bat$hit crazy ones.
[quote=“ProgressiveOldMan, post:3, topic:18225”]
Get a grip and start being hard asses towards the Republican’s - [/quote]
Good luck with that.
Once the battle starts, stand by for an avalanche of anecdotal stories about people gaming the system…people with back injuries going water skiing, guys out of work collecting paychecks at another employer.
The GOP is VERY skilled at this kind of thing…jackbooted IRS thugs threatening small business owners (followed by continual harassment of the agency, fewer agents, smaller budgets and far fewer audits of tax returns and lost tax revenue) and the infamous claims that family owned farms were being sold for inheritance taxes and threatening family farms (a Walton-family-funded effort to change federal inheritance taxes so successful that it saved the Waltons billions.)
Read more about the latter here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/04/25/205085/-Class-Warfare-18-Families-financed-Estate-Tax-Repeal-Campaign
In TPM’s report on the “grand bargain” in the House on Medicare, raising the premiums for higher income retirees is one of the proposals which both Dems and Repubs (so far) have accepted. Long overdue.
Why don’t the Republicans just pass a bill requiring “real” Americans to be millionaires, lest they be deported?
It sure would speed up their attempts to eliminate the middle class and the poor.
I hate that my side doesn’t vote in midterm elections. Thanks to them I am forced to wait with baited breath for what harm will happen to badly need programs that benefit we the people. The repubs have the rich and ignorant and it sure shows.
There wouldn’t be a problem if Saint Ronnie of Raygun hadn’t raided the SS funds. Jerks.
The White House and Democrats need to go to the mat on this one, and for that matter every issue that is important to those who are not rich or a corporation. The disability trust fund issue is particularly perplexing because the republicans have their share of overweight, diabetic, walker-bound tea party types that are disabled. Yet they still vote against their interests. Humans can be puzzling.
President Obama and Democrats, please hold your ground here. This is very personal here. I’ve lived on SSDI for a little over a decade. My monthly allocation is already like working a small part-time job. I do not receive any rental assistance and I pay my Medicare co-pays (in Virginia, the bar for Medicaid assistance to be secondary is so high that I never meet it. Virginia’s assistance programs for the poor and disabled are truly abysmal). I have bone deformities and progressive neurological problems. I worked until my mid-thirties but finally had to give in after numerous hospitalizations and spinal and leg surgeries. I already do not make it to the end of each month, financially speaking. I do not want to beg, but I cannot understand why on earth these Republicans would put folks like myself on the street – and that is what would happen, as my rent is already over half of my monthly SSDI and will go up again come January 2016. My apartment is barely adequate, not luxurious at all but it is a place to sleep and live with my kitty.
These same Republican House members will attest to you they are true Christians and follow Christ’s lead. I call their Bull Shit. These folks do not believe they are going to Heaven or to Hell. If they really believed in a Heaven as described to me when I was a little lad in Sunday School, they wouldn’t be playing around with people’s lives like this.
TPM, thank you for this article. Please keep up on this very important issue. There are many more like me.
The next crisis, same as the old crisis, blah-frickin’ blah, blah blah.
There is a simple fix to lack of funds right? Get more funds. The cap is outdated considering that America’s collective wealth has been compressed into a very small group. Disbursement of wealth is not even and therefore disbursement of revenue from that wealth is not even. Easy Peezy lemon squeezy.
Raise the cap proportionately!
When will the media get it?
The “conservatives” and the GOP base (movement “conservatives”) want Social Security and the core New Deal programs to go away.
You don’t have to wait with baited breath. Just do a google search on Arizona’s new budget balancing act for a taste. My state leg. is majority repub in both chambers and the Governors manse as well. Sooo, what did they do? Gave the poor on medicaid a 5 yr lifetime benefit meaning you can be poor but you get medicaid for no more then 5 yrs. Our 3 state universities have been cut by $100 million. Community colleges have been zeroed out of the budget completely. This last item is against our state constitution. And there’s MUCH MUCH more. had you heard our new governor’s “state of the state” speach upon taking office in January you’d have thought he’d taken over from hated democrats who’d driven the state into bankruptcy. The actual truth is republicans have had the majority in both state chambers for over 45 years in. a. row.
We have a 1.2 billion dollar debt. It could easily be paid by
- a modest tax increase or
- eliminate $850 million in tax breaks given to large corps. to entice them here + use our $450 million “rainy day fund”. or
- eliminate some of the whacky sales tax loopholes that cause the state to fail to collect 12.6 billion dollars in sales taxes. or
4 any combination of the above.
Would the repubs consider any of this? HAHA!!! Nope.
After all a comfortable retirement should only be for rich white republicans. Everyone else should work until they drop and if they do drop then fire their asses!!
That in essence is “compassionate conservatism”.
Well, according to an actual discussion I had with an actual leftist on Discus, there’s no reason to vote in midterms because Democrats and Republicans are exactly the same and totally coopted by the one percent.
No explanation offered as to why that logic doesn’t apply to presidential elections, of course . . .
Even the Washington Post is calling out the GOP on their nonsense budget. In response, the House GOP has decided to amend (to current circumstances) and reintroduce a more modest proposal: http://tinyurl.com/275cz
I may not be able to stop myself from going medieval on the next yoho who tells me there’s no difference…
I did. Even unleashed the T-Bogg “Your Mumia T-Shirt Won’t Get You Into Heaven” column on him. Water off a duck’s back.
Sorry, it’s bated. A cat eats cheese and waits for a mouse with baited breath.