Discussion: White House Dodges Questions About Trump's Attacks On San Juan Mayor

Twenty-four seven, through bad times and good†, through one Press Secretary, Communications Director, Senior Advisor, Cabinet Official after another, this White House is uniformly evasive, obfuscatory and unco-operaitve.
A beacon dumpster-fire-illuminated picture of consistency in an inconsistent world.


†it is not yet time to rule out the possibility that even during this time of catastrophic misfeasance and negligence there might eventually be good times


“I haven’t talked to him specifically…"

They took a wood burner and etched that permanently into Sander’s podium.


It’s always the right time to say “Look, right now our focus is to avoid answering that question about the vile shitstain’s most recent vile tweets.”


Someone should ask Sanders, “What DO you and the President talk about in anticipation of these press conferences, because from where we sit it appears whatever it is you both deliberately avoid issues any idiot could anticipate being asked about?”


They talk about what issues they’re going to avoid. They even have idiots in the meeting to guide the discussion. Wall to wall.


I guess it’s ‘premature’ to talk about whatever the hell Donnie meant THIS time when he attacked a woman for caring about her people. Oh OK…


From what I’ve seen, it looks like it’s the President who needs to be ‘brought into’ the Mayor’s coordination efforts.


If she refuses to stand beside him on the stage, smiling, agreeing, shaking his hand, thanking him, praising the rescue and rebuild efforts, well…she’ll continue to be branded an ungrateful malcontent.

You’re either all in, or you’re on the outs.


Trump: 60 dead and 500 wounded in Vegas and the failing media worries about the feelings of a Puerto Rican woman? Sad!


Sarah Sanders is evil.


Either that or a tolerable imitation of one of “The People of Walmart”.


Well of course. She IS from Arkansas…

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Someone should ask Sanders, “What DO you and the President talk about in anticipation of these press conferences, because from where we sit it appears whatever it is you both deliberately avoid issues any idiot could anticipate being asked about?”

Wouldn’t it be fun if one of the WH reporters held up a picture of Trump and ask Sanders “Do you know who this is? Have you ever talked to this person?”


Daddy Huckabucks’ daughter. say no more.

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so is the Clan Grand Gizzard…

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Yes. What a crock of shit, the idea that Mayor Cruz is a loose cannon refusing to be part of a coordinated effort. This is based on a Daily Caller story quoting one Mayor to the effect that she has not been participating in “meetings.”

The truth is, she was the first Puerto Rico or Federal Government official to go out on the ground, before the storm was over, and make an assessment of the extent of the damage. She waited over a week before criticizing the lack of results and coordination of the Federal effort. Her most vocal criticism came in response to a reality detached assessment from a Trump appointee that the less than optimal Federal Response was a “Good News” story.

If San Juan, where the main shipping port is located, cannot get supplies from the docks over a week after the storm and days after FEMA and other Fed Gov folks are on the ground and housed comfortably in luxury hotels with generators and running water, then the Mayors of more distant towns probably arent seeing results either. .

The comment that Mayor Cruz needs to be silenced to be deemed a responsible actor is based on a notorious Right Wing Fake News source, and typical of this Thin Skinned and Incompetent President.


Folks, it’s time to give up on expecting anything resembling assistance from trump and company. It is obvious now that trump wants us all to fend for ourselves in the aftermath of a destructive storm. People in Atlanta are banding together to send aid to Puerto Rico:

The government has failed. Trump has failed us. His primary duty as president is to defend the people of the Unoted States and he has demonstrably in a big way has FAILED.
This is trump’s version of winning folks.

Her daddums done teached her good.

The BBC has a graphic that shows lights on in Puerto Rico before the hurricane and lights mostly off after the hurricane. Just use the slider in the middle and slide it to the right or left.