Who fucking cares who funded the dossiers. Either its true or it isnt. Based on the attempts to discredit it, methinks its the former. Also why did everyone in DOPUS’s campaign lie about meeting with Russians multiple times?
This is just a lame attempt to discredit dossier before big shoe drops from it
I especially found this interesting in the WaPo story
The Clinton campaign paid Perkins Coie $5.6 million in legal fees from June 2015 to December 2016
in light of the $88 million paid to a no-name, no-skills, digital campaign coordinator by the Dump campaign.
Sarah Stinkeye’s working overtime today. That dossier must really be terrifying them.
Oh, White House! You do not get to complain about anyone else lying! That category has been retired—to YOU!
I think we need to take this seriously. If there is anyone who is an expert on lies, it is the White House.
The worst part of all this was Elias agreeing to meet a gaggle of sketchy Russians in an office suite, after they promised to produce dirt on Donald Trump. Just wait until that comes out. Oh boy!!
“Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year”
Maggie Haberman, NYT alleged Reporter
This reason 99,999,999,999 that the New York Times is no longer “the paper of record.”
Where have I heard that before?
In the end, it doesn’t matter what Ma Kettle says; it only matters what Robert Mueller can prove.
Look how easily and smoothly and without hesitation Maggie uses the L-word when it comes to Hillary.
Thing is Jeb Bush was the first to buy it from the source. The DNC wouldnt have had it if it werent for jeb bush…
Ol’ Ham Hock alleges what?
Sounds like Haberman’s eating some sour grapes because the Post got the scoop … again.
In this case, Elias may (or may not) have been “lying” to protect attorney privilege.
Trump, Sanders, McConnell, Ryan, Mnuchin, Mulvaney et al lie on a daily basis specifically to mislead the American people on policies that will affect them.
I don’t have a problem with Haberman complaining in a Tweet — but only if she does it every single time Trump et al lie … which would be impossible to find time to do.
See Josh’s latest installment. This Times’ piece is by Vogel (@inversion).
What’s Up With The Times Piece on Elias, Steele and Fusion GPS?
Your daily reminder that everyone wishes Hillary was president. Including the people in charge
It won’t require much stoking by aides to convince Trump he has firm grounds to dismiss Mueller based on these stories. He’s aching to do it, but hasn’t had much of an (alleged) good reason to feel he could get away with it. I see Trump perceiving this as absolute confirmation of his “witch hunt” slander of Mueller’s work.
It’s all those “clouds and shadows” again, innit?
I see Haberman is back to decrying “Clinton Lied”. She’s good at that.
Trump Lied?? Not so much.