Discussion: White House Blames Obama For Gas Attack In Syria, Despite Changing Stance

Every fucking day is amateur hour at the White House. Just throw this one on the pile with all the rest. Maybe at some point we can have a ritual bonfire and rid ourselves of this nonsense…Until then, this is just busy work in the feeble process of minimal expectations from our so-called government.

The most anyone can say each day after its over is…man, what an inconsistent hypocritical guy this poor schmuck is. Poor Spiceboy…NO. No sympathy for Spiceboy should be given. He could quit if he feels lying to the American people is not what he signed up for. But since this entire charade has no integrity to begin with…he stays on and elicits sympathy from idiots in the press that routinely give this jerk a pass, because they insist lying is part of his job. Interestingly, that’s probably what they think of their own job as well, and that’s merely a projection of where they see themselves.

If the press didn’t expect White House briefings (after all, most other norms have been eliminated), the WH would do away with this farce a heartbeat, as they see no real need to inform the public of anything, nor are they wedded to the truth, or are accountable to anyone in the slightest. All this shows is that this dumb exercise in back and forth, is our government lying to us on a daily basis.


Looking for ways? They’re assholes, it is what they are.

President Trump, Spicer said, was meeting with his national security team, but would not “telegraph” the United States’ response to the attack.

“Quick, call the Russians and find out what they want us to do!”

Did you ever catch that Shelby Foote segment?

Short answer: while talking about Gettysburg, Foote brings up the Faulkner book ‘intruder in the dust’, when essentially discussing the idea of do overs.

Donnie (points finger at trump)…there are two entities who could carry out an attack like this in Idlib Province. One is the air force of Assad. The other is your bosom buddy you admire so much. The blame on which will depend on what the chemical agent was.
Nevertheless to blame Obama for this is abdicating your tough guy stance. You are POTUS now, not Obama. The rubles stop with you …donald j trump



No I did not and I wish I had.

I’m combing my memory for Intruder in the Dust connections - I took a Faulkner seminar in undergrad and it functioned to kill my youthful enthusiasm for Faulkner.


looked it up = of course; I really had forgotten the plot. Absalom, Absalom! drove every other thing Faulkner wrote right out of my head.

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The only way to enjoy Faulkner as an undergrad is to have an affair with your English professor and make several weekend trips to New Orleans and walk the streets where Faulkner lived when he was actively writing.

Did I say that out loud? :innocent:


O my!


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More projection. Trump is weak and failure-prone and everytime that makes a wave in the news, he blames someone else.

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This is yet another thing that will take literally years to recover from and its negative impact will continue for decades (because lots of those things are products of accumulation and path dependency).

Those people need to be taken out as soon as possible, before it’s too late…


So has Trump yet revealed his secret plan to defeat ISIS?

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I blame trump for.oh…I dunno,

  • cloudy days (we don’t have enough here in the desert)
  • 9/11 (cuz he danced atop trump tower as the twin towers fell)
  • The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  • … cell phones…
  • twitter
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I still haven’t forgiven Obama for causing The Great Depression.


“Except I have to wonder sometimes if they aren’t looking for ways to make liberals cry. They seem intent on being as mean as possible in every conceivable way.”

I believe that was Plank 1 in their Party “Platform.”


Where will this stop? At what point is the Trump administration truly in charge and responsible for dealing with world events that happen on their watch?

So far they’ve been nothing more than a bunch of dysfunctional amateurs more interested in blaming the previous administration than actually doing anything.


“Every fucking day is amateur hour at the White House…”


Well, according to no less a luminary than Mitch McConnell a POTUS is not responsible for at least the last year and more than likely the first year as well… as far as the Constitutional mandated powers of the Presidency are concerned. Example prime is Obama’s attempted appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Because McConnell had a death grip on the Senate he could demand, and get away with stripping Obama of his mandated duties. So, according to that weasel from Kentucky we cannot expect a POTUS to be responsible for anything for at least half of his/her term.


Change the “days” to “hours” and then ya got something.

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It is in the same drawer as his documentation for Obama’s Birth Certificate and his Tax Returns that are under perpetual audit.

As a side note–It just occurred to me that this would be a good name for Trump’s church, were he Catholic–Our Lady of Perpetual Audit.

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