he never fails to lower the bar.
ETA- At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, the Rapist and his cronies aren’t daring ISIS to attack us on our soil, are they? They aren’t doing this so they can use the fear to put in all sorts of horrible measures? Tell me I’m crazy, please! I’m trying to come up with another conclusion, but am failing to do so.
We get it. You like the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” Noted. Got it. All set.
Trump: I thought Bannon’s ban made it clear but if it did not, I will keep you all in suspense.
If you read through the nonsense of this Administration, one thing is clear to me: this new regime is acting as if the United States is in a state of war with Islam. We have the analog of right wing extremists in the Islamic world running our foreign policy from a right wing American perspective. It all comes full circle, because both sets of extremists desire a clash of civilizations/religions. The key thing for us as Americans to do is to deny this perspective any legitimacy whatsoever. The people of the world must know that Trump is operating illegitimately, like a leader that took over by a coup. If Trump escalates and decides to go to war with Iran (something which I think Vladimir would oppose because it would destabilize his backyard), we as Americans need to encourage our people to defy him in the national interest and to save the Republic.
Trump allows representatives working directly for him to answer media questions about his policies. HIS POLICIES. But when pressed for answers to thorny questions they disclaim any knowledge of what Trump thinks about the very issues they been dispatched to talk about.
“I know what Donald Trump wants to do. I have no idea what his thinking on the matter is.”
Do these people advise him, probe his thoughts on issues in meetings, flesh out the feasibility and sense of a proposed policy? Or does Trump just bark orders that underlings are told to perform without question, like a lowly private in the Marines?
Strange, he looks sort of moosleemi himself ? why didn’t he just say ‘no’ ? Lock him up !
I think global demographics will prove you wrong, HairFuror. And they’re closing the gap.
Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.2 billion 31.50%
Islam 1.6 billion 22.32%
Trump: For me, religion is White and Black. I fully embrace the religion of white people no matter what they believe in, especially white males.
copying a page from the late great Saddam Hussein Cheeto Donnie pits a favored religion against all others…
who says history doesn’t repeat itself?
off topic…only good things can come from this. Yep, our country is in great hands.
Trump’s Kissinger…LOL!!!
‘we’re not going to white it out’ hahahahahaha…that is EXACTLY what you’re trying to do. Perfect.
Is Mormonism is a religion? Scientology? Trickle-down economics? Objectivism?
Since we know that Trump pays much closer attention to things he hears and sees on TV, I wonder if any of his advisors actually sit with him and discuss policy? Or do they submit video presentations so he can watch them pitch their positions?
And can someone confirm that the TV in the Oval Office has multi-screen in screen capability since that would look more like FN talking head presentations.
Lord Dampnut 's only religion is Pro$periterianism…where he who has the most Gold wins.
Islam is a religion. That is demonstrable fact.
Whether the Current Occupant accepts facts as being a thing is another matter entirely, though at this point, I’m not sure how much it matters.
It’s not as though all of America would offer a sigh of relief were he to announce today that he does believe Islam to be a religion. The White House will continue to be occupied by a narcissistic psychopath.
Worship of Trump is the only true religion.
Actually his religion has a green tint and a picture of George Washington on it. He recognizes any organization that shares his religion, such as ministries that preach the Prosperity Gospel, for profit televangelicals, but not only those, he sees banks, hedge funds and the like as sharing his religion as well.
All policy discussions are carried out via unsecured tweets. All parties involved believe that 140 characters is more than enough space to cover all required detail and nuance. Security is unnecessary, because you can’t trust computers, anyway.